Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obama's Executive Order,

Through Mr. Obama's Executive Order, foreign police now have the ability to treat YOU the way that they SHOULD be treating the terrorists!

A week before Christmas, when people were busy shopping and maybe not paying all that much attention to details in the news, Mr. Obama signed an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order Number 12425."

Is this a part of Mr. Obama's plan to subject all of us to international law, to a "New World Order," to the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

Please SELECT HERE to help the United States Justice Foundation pursue legal action against the Obama Administration and to FAX every Member of Congress to oppose this new Executive Order, so that your Constitutional rights are protected! Your DONATION to USJF will helpto insure that the United States does NOT become a part of the "New World Order"!!

This is one of the very most serious encroachments upon YOUR privacy...YOUR rights...and the U. S. Constitution that this country has ever experienced! And we've got to do something quickly to stop this!!

Barack Hussein Obama is, right now, negotiating an agreement to give the ICC power over all American citizens, thus opening our men and women in military service, and all of us for that matter, to false charges made by anti-American radicals. NOW, he has an international police force, Interpol, to carry out the will of the ICC, to arrest any American citizen to have them prosecuted by the ICC!! There'll be nothing that any of us, or any law enforcement agency in the United States, can do about it.

SAY GOODBYE to your Constitutional protections in criminal trials if the ICC decides to prosecute you!

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