Monday, February 8, 2010

Not since 1776 have the people said with a loud voice- "Government, leave us alone"

Because they know AMERICA is Rising!
The victory in Massachusetts is proof that the American people are rising against a government that assumes it can dictate to the people - while ignoring our wishes.
We have had enough of taxes, give-a-ways, and bribes to Senators. Wall Street bailouts, takeover of General Motors, Stimulus plans and Tarp money, are all being put on the backs of the hardworking taxpayers and our children.
Enough!! Not since 1776 have the people said with a loud voice- "Government, leave us alone"
The People have spoken - we do not want to replace our health care with a massive government program.

But the AARP, Reid and Pelosi are still trying to push this plan or something similar into law. AMAC (A-Mack), the conservative alternative to AARP, is fighting hard to stop the cuts in Medicare funding and to save Medicare Advantage plans.
Our latest magazine has an alternative plan that can solve the health care problems without taxing us to the brink or controlling how our doctors can treat us. We'll be sending the plan to every Senator and Member of Congress so they can't say they didn't know about it.

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