Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama wants to buy your support

America is broke and Obama wants to buy your support with hidden taxes (cap & trade), inheritant tax, co2 taxes , green taxes, obamacare taxes etc….He say “he” will give money to students and childcare and the middle class to buy us with hidden taxes we have paid. It is our money he wants to give back to us!!!!!
Why because he wants you to support his Marxist power grab of our constitutional rights so we can no longer fight to stop him. Believe me, once “We the People” are irrelevant and our votes and dissent become powerless, we will be at Obama’s whim and the likes of him for what we must do and say and support. Our future will be as they wish without “WE the People” input.
If they want all to have no meat; there will be no meat. If they ban sugar and bake sales; mandate electric cars; give limits on electric use; access & monitoring of your conversations and internet. Fines and imprisonment for any violation they deem dissent.
All of this begins when Obama “Buys” your support (your money) by promises of moneys for the struggling middle class. Remember America should stop all spending as quickly as possible and eliminate as much government as possible! America is broke today not tomorrow!
Eliminate the pensions for Senators and Congressmen, 10% OF ALL Federal employees should be dismissed, Congress should be servants of “WE the people” and not career fat cats!
Make government smaller and more efficient! Ask government to do less. We must protect the Constitution from misinterpretation and circumvention, and loss of enforcement. “We the People” will fight against Obama’s theft our nation to build an unrecognizable
Monarchy in his image! We say again and again we don’t want your change!!!!!!!

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