Friday, January 29, 2010

Capitalist Love Humanity!

20Billions for vaccines to poor countries-When did Marxism or commies ever do this-Capitalist Love Humanity!

Thankyou Bill GATES - YOU ARE THE BEST OF HUMANITY. - Get Bernanke off the cover.!
You not only give life and hope you set the example that Capitolism is an Agenda for a better World!
Commies suck. They make people give up on hope and future and force a comformity to rule of law
with no hope of a creative change of a required conformity. Free enterprise and opportunity is
what gave us the benefactor Bill Gates. Thankyou Bill Gates! You Rock.! You are proof Capitalist
are the saving grace of humanity!
Hey and all you media stars (sports and entertainers)Look at what you give
to the needy! You rock! It would take a thousand Czars to replace what one of you do! Thankyou Bill O'Reilly for your Charity!!!! Not forgetting Oprah! etc...
Capitalism is the way to a better world!!

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