Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chicago politicians think they’re above the law.

It’s no secret that Chicago, Illinois is not gun friendly.

Chicago, and Illinois in general, have long been on the cutting edge of gun control. They’ve given us municipal handgun bans, mandatory gun registration, firearms owner ID cards and the most anti-gun President of all time, Barack Obama.

It should then come as no surprise that Chicago politicians think they’re above the law. While Chicago has some of the most anti-gun laws in America, politicians in Chicago have placed their own safety over the safety of the citizens who elected them.

Ordinary citizens are forbidden from owning handguns for self defense, but Chicago's elected officials had themselves classified as "law enforcement officers" so that they could carry handguns for self defense.

Recently, Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman took the city, the Illinois legislature and the state's political corruption to task over this very issue.

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