Saturday, August 16, 2008

World Opinions Will Safeguard Humanity

It is time that each nation has world opinion polls about current affairs such as The Georgia Invasion. Opinion polls influence America's decisions and nationwide polls of the world of nations through the United Nations can pressure nations seeking hurtful advantages.It is time the peoples of the world voice their opinions for the world leaders as a feed back they should find to included in future decisions. If world opinion is strongly
against initiatives by a nations then this nation will bear a burden of embarrassment
which should be deserved. People care and Nations care what respectfulness
their peers have for them. Nations should become accountable by a polling
system through the United Nations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great idea, so an option for putting this into action could be expanding United Nations membership for all nations involved and creating a sort of voting grid for each nation to deal with these foreign affairs. the global world idea i could see as early as 100yrs in the future and with the bankers they hope sooner. should set up this type of scrutiny of our neighbors when they are acting against any kind of human rights violations and or national sovereignty.