Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Obama Ignorant of only of this..Nuclear Power Dwarfs Bio-Alcohol in Energy and Gobal Warming

Too big a mistake for one that wants to lead the future of America and Mankind.
There is zero carbon emission from nuclear. CO2 emissions can be the inferno that will literally burn the flesh off the human race and rise ocean levels to make the global
habitat in chaos. Ten Thousands dollars of bio-alcohol(other Bio-fuels too) will not produce the equivalent of one dollar spent on nuclear power. One gallon of alcohol has few caloric units compared to a pin point of nuclear fuel. Mankind can not hope survive earth without nuclear power and to go where no man has gone before. Obama reluctance to drill off shore and otherwise puts the America's in jeopardy in the near future. He believes what his advisors tell him. John McCain knows what saving benefits nuclear will have for
America and Mankind. John McCain should be the leader of America and others
who will plan for humanity to have a place on this planet and beyond.
Carbon free is the best of breed. Vote McCain! Vote Nuclear!
Elect John McCain

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