Thursday, September 16, 2010

UN To Confiscate All Privately Owned Firearms!

Please fax all senators!

[Sen.] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]Washington, DC

RE: UN To Confiscate All Privately Owned Firearms!
Dear [Sen.] [LAST NAME]:

I'm writing to ask you to REJECT ANY Anti-Gun agreements and Protect the Second Amendment against the anti-gun United Nations Arms Trade Treaty and ANY "gun ban" agreement to repeal the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
I the undersigned, as a citizen of the United States, do hereby demand that you vote "NO" on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
The Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote the Second Amendment -- they were giving the people the right to defend themselves against all threats -- including the threat of an oppressive government at the State and Federal level.
The treaty calls for tougher licensing requirements. That means everyday, law-abiding Americans will be subjected to even more bogus bureaucracy to obtain a firearm. It is unfathomable that regular citizens would be treated just like the criminals the treaty claims to protect us from. The Arms Trade Treaty will hijack and destroy all weapons that are classified as “unauthorized.” What exactly classifies a firearm as "unauthorized" is up to the liberal gun-haters. The treaty will ban the trade, sale, and private ownership of most semi-automatic weapons. Clinton, Obama and their anti-liberty cohorts are also calling for an INTERNATIONAL GUN REGISTRY that would pave the way to eventually disarming every American citizen.
If history is an accurate guide, banning guns would only embolden criminals and encourage crime, leaving Americans defenseless and allow the uncontrolled and unacceptable to happen, making family security even worse than it is now.
Further, The UN Arms Trade Treaty would be impossible to administer and even more unlikely to be enforced. Gun control is about government controlling the people - NOT about making people safe.

That's what's at stake here. Our freedom. Our future.
The most important job you have to do right now is to protect U.S. citizens Second Amendment rights.

This issue is BLACK OR WHITE - there are NO "shades of gray." We need you to protect Americans and their Right to Bear Arms. REJECT ANY anti-freedom agreements and Protect the Second Amendment against the anti-gun United Nations firearms Ban.

I will be watching your vote on this issue very closely. Thank you.



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