Tuesday, June 29, 2010

$5 billion is added to the debt every day as Washington borrows 43-cents out of every dollar it spends.

Fellow Conservative, $5 billion is added to the debt every day as Washington borrows 43-cents out of every dollar it spends.

Help me rein in Democrats' spending.

With the national debt soaring past $13 trillion, 1-in-10 Americans out of work, and oil gushing out of the gulf, President Obama is traveling the country touting his trillion-dollar "stimulus" - the massive spending bill that gave us more debt, more government, and fewer jobs.

And despite the fact that the "stimulus" didn't work, he's pushing Congress to quickly approve yet another round of "stimulus" bailout money.

You and I both know that the last thing America needs is more "stimulus" or more bailouts. What we need is to cut government spending - now - and Republicans have the plans to do it.

Will you help me fight to cut government spending, get control of the debt, and help small businesses create new jobs by following this link and making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign before our June 30th FEC deadline?

A group of 100 economists say the best way - the only way - to really boost private sector growth and create new jobs is to immediately rein in federal spending.

But Democrats aren't listening. They're not even passing a budget this year, leaving out-of-control spending on auto-pilot with no plan, no discipline, and no accountability. The president's budget chief admits that trying to cut spending with a Democrat-led Congress is "fruitless."

Meanwhile, nearly $5 billion is added to the debt every day as Washington borrows 43-cents out of every dollar it spends. It's not only unsustainable, it's unfair - and wrong - to saddle our children and grandchildren with that kind of insurmountable debt.

We need to repeal jobs-killing, debt-driven laws like ObamaCare, rescind unspent "stimulus" money, and start making the tough choices Democrats refuse to make when it comes to spending.

That's why I'm turning to you today. I need your immediate financial support to help me continue leading the fight in Congress to cut government spending and stop the Democrats' jobs-killing agenda.

Our next FEC filing deadline is coming up on June 30th, so please follow this link right away and help my campaign head into the critical summer months on strong financial footing.

Thank you in advance for your support and for everything you do for our conservative cause.


John Boehner
House Republican Leader

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