Monday, April 5, 2010

Censorship of Glen Beck? Why? Allow this? No Way?

I don't have the video you need about the Censorship of Glen Beck(See Recap of glen on april 5th when available on web). Is free speech dead?. He quoates and show videos of Marxist. No one denies they are not true!; yet he is to be censor for providing truthful quoates and videos. He says millions of us will carry on the truths he has presented.
He is not the only leader. " We the People" will question with boldness, hold to the truth &
speak without fear when and if he is silence by Marxist. We must must vote in unison to elect people that will limit terms of office and reduce the size and agenda of government!!!

What you missed was the 5pm show on fox news today, Monday April 5th I"ll send the address to you when available however you should know it by now. The Gestapo type of censorship is just the beginning. Obamas civilian miltia
someday will shoot and kill someones neighbor who refuses to give his personal weapon to Obama's militia. Think now what your reaction will be to this senario. If it gets to this point,
what recourse will be left to resist and or change the state of affairs!!! ?
Our united voting effort will bring back our Founders America!
Unite in every organization that will bring this change! NRA is
only one to speak of!

Pass this on!!!!

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