Friday, October 9, 2009

Listen to your constituents, OR GET EVICTED!


this Declaration of Eviction will send a clear message to Congress and The President: Listen to your constituents, OR GET EVICTED!

Here are the Nine Grievances we've listed in the Declaration of Eviction:

•You have broken your contract with America by violating your oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States by expanding the powers of the Government in exchange for our God-given Liberties.
•You have ignored the pleas of the majority of Americans by forcing a takeover of our private health care industry and exchanging it for a bureaucratic nightmare.
•You are attempting to control our economy by empowering "Pay Czars" to regulate the income of workers.
•You are increasing taxes on small business owners, the life blood of our free economy, while bailing out the banking industry.
•You are overstepping your Constitutional Boundaries by agreeing with this present Administration to seize control of private industries, such as banking, automobile manufacturing, and health care.
•You have jeopardized the international value of our currency with deficit spending.
•You have failed to secure our national defense by refusing to tap the vast natural resources within our own borders and off our own shores.
•You have punished citizens and private business establishments with further regulation with hysteria and false claims of "climate change".
•You have borrowed against our children's future for political gain today

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