Monday, August 17, 2009

their planned takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy

Dear Friend:
have some good news and some bad news.
First, the good news — we're winning.
President Obama and the Democrats are reeling — faced with a massive national outcry over their planned takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy, they are showing signs of retreat.
Americans are waking up. They don't want their healthcare run like the government runs the post office.
But don't believe for a second that Barack Obama is really defeated.
Claims that he will give in on the "public option" and may "compromise" are all just talk — nothing more than words.
Remember, they have done this type of clever talk before — just like they did when they rammed through the largest spending bill in the history of the world, the so-called stimulus bill.
Even if the Obama plan doesn't have a "public option" — he is still pushing to put almost 50 million new people on the government system.
That means rationing of healthcare for the elderly. That means price controls on drugs.
Eventually it will mean government controls on most medical costs, including what your doctor gets paid.
Today, the healthcare system needs to be fixed. Not destroyed.
Obama's plan is a radical makeover we simply don't need, and we can't afford.
We urgently need your help — Go Here Now to Donate.
Now, for the bad news.
We are being outgunned.
The New York Times just reported that liberal groups backing the Obama plan have spent over $24 million on national TV ads.
Conservative groups like ours have spent just $9 million.
The pro-Obama groups are outspending us nearly 3-to-1!
Worse, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce predicts that the Democrats will spend as much as $80 million to clinch a socialist healthcare system by September.
And just this weekend, several pro-Obama groups announced they plan on spending $12 million to get the Obama socialist plan made into law.
As it stands, the League of American Voters is very close to raising $1 million to get the truth to the American people.
But we need more money.
Help us make a difference — Donate Here Now.
Already, we have had a powerful effect.
As you may know, our powerful TV ad was crafted by Dick Morris, the famous Fox News analyst and campaign strategist.
It features a respected medical doctor revealing the real threat posed by Obamacare and the dangers of adding 50 million new patients to the government system.
Today, thanks to your generosity, I have orders to our media buyer to expand the buy to four more states.
Dick Morris believes we can stop Obamacare and that the League of American Voters is the best group to do it.
He says it is the only group he is supporting in this effort.
Our goal is to raise $5 million and swamp key swing states and alert voters to have them call their wavering senators and congressmen.
We need to do this before Congress returns to session in September to vote on the Obama plan.
We believe this goal is attainable. But we urgently need your help.
Please take a moment to join the League and contribute to make this happen.

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