All year long, we will be leading the efforts of our members to contact every single Senator, to DEMAND that they REPEAL Harry Reid’s socialistic ObamaCare bill -- and as a result, faxes will FLOOD those Senate offices ALL YEAR LONG!
We’ve been able to keep the pressure on both Democrats and Republicans, letting them know that WE ARE WATCHING THEM and that we DEMAND they REPEAL this radical monstrosity of a bill. And the good news is... we ARE having an effect on them!
WE CAN STILL REPEAL THIS BILL. The bill pushed by Obama, and passed by leftist Democrats in the House, is getting the full support of every Democrat in the U.S. Senate; and with all 60 of those votes, they will be able to pass the NEXT cloture vote coming up soon...
Which means that we can STILL Repeal it -- IF we can vote out every Commie Dem. Senator with our demands for a REPEAL to end it!
Harry Reid has now introduced what is called his “manager’s amendment” -- the “secret deal” that will serve as a substitute for the decoy that was the 2,074-page bill the Senate has been debating for the past three weeks. So is this bill any better?
•The bill slashes hundreds of billions from Medicare to fund a new government program - cuts to hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices that care for our seniors – cuts that a pair of Senate Democrats voted repeatedly to reject.•The bill includes massive tax increases on American families and businesses at a time of double digit unemployment. •The bill breaks the President’s pledge that no American earning under $250,000 would see their taxes increase under this plan….a pledge that five Democrats voted to uphold just last Tuesday.•The bill allows for the funding of abortions, violating the longstanding policy of the Hyde amendment. The language is significantly weaker than Nelson-Stupak amendment which seven Senate Democrats and 64 House Democrats supported.•The bill includes a massive new entitlement -the CLASS Act - which the Democrat chairman of the Budget Committee described as a Ponzi scheme. A bipartisan majority (including 11 Democrats) voted to strike the CLASS Act -- and they should withhold their support. •The billl imposes massive burdens to many states at a time when states are already struggling. At the same time, it gives special treatment to a select few states, so that taxpayers in Virginia, Arkansas, and Ohio, will pay higher taxes to subsidize the Medicaid programs of favored few (Nebraska Massachusetts, and Vermont).Voted Out all DEMOCRATIC COMMIES CONGRESSMEN this coming 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REPEAL THIS LAW
IMPEACH OBAMA and Commie Judgies and Czars in CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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