Monday, December 7, 2009

"He loved Big Brother."

Dear Fellow American,

It may be the most chilling line in 20 th century literature: "He loved Big Brother."

It comes, of course, at the end of George Orwell's masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Winston Smith's spirit of rebellion against an all-controlling, all-providing totalitarian state has been not only crushed, but transformed into its opposite.

Now, Winston's only regret is that he spent so much of his former life in "stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast" -- of the State, that is.

I'm exaggerating only slightly when I say that that is precisely the "change" that President Obama and his Democrat allies hope to effect in American society -- especially in the hearts and minds of every citizen who ever dared to believe, with Ronald Reagan, that "government isn't the solution; it's the problem."

They don't want us to stop resisting Big Government... they want us to love it.

And how do they hope to accomplish that? The same way, in essence, it was done in Orwell's fictional state: through fear -- though they will induce it in a subtler, more widespread, and efficient way than Winston Smith's oppressors.

Will the Obamacrats succeed? Only if we don't fight back.

And we can't wait until the 2010 and 2012 elections to do it. If we do, the burdens of higher taxes, soaring inflation, and Big Government will be too great of an obstacle to overcome.

That's why it's so important for each and every one of us do whatever we can to maintain our financial independence until that happy day when America tells the Obamacrats and Big Brother himself where to go (electorally speaking, of course).

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