Dear American Patriot,
As a lawyer I can affirm that, technically, "Executive Orders" are not only ILLEGAL, they are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Every single President from Abraham Lincoln to Barack Hussein Obama has used what became known as an "Executive Order" in 1907. These Presidential dictates have been used since the New Deal to promulgate a political agenda that was not authorized by Congress---many times only because Congress feared retribution from the voters. What is frightening is that, in those cases, Congress was guilty in this malfeasance because they knew that, if they legislated what the occupant of the Oval Office enacted with an Executive Order, they would have been booted out of office.
I remember when Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told then-President Bill Clinton that Congress would not obey his "Executive Order" that banned smoking in all government buildings, because, Gingrich said, an Executive Order is nothing more than an interoffice memo from the "boss" of the Executive Branch to his "employees." The "smoking lamp" remained lit in Congress since Executive Orders have no Constitutional authority beyond the employees of the Executive Branch of government.
In addition to the Executive Orders issued by Presidents, we now find "Secretarial Orders" issued by Cabinet officials. Their authorization comes from the White House, which issued an Executive Order creating the right of Cabinet officials to issue their own "Executive Orders," which are used as end-runs around Congress---and the Constitution. Congress---and the American people---must call these bureaucrats "on the carpet" for that. An unConstitutional "order" cannot create a Constitutional edict that overrides Congress.
The Obama Administration, knowing that the 112th Congress will be dominated by Republicans, is creating the precedents that they believe justify their ruling by Executive Order and NOT by duly enacted and legally authorized legislation from the Congress of the United States.
This is the ultimate slap in the face of Lady Liberty. If a law can't be enacted by Congress, it certainly can't be legislated by the White House, since the Oval Office lacks the power to enact laws. Barack Hussein Obama's plan to rule by Executive Order will grow like a cancer if it is not stopped. We need to use every weapon in our arsenal to stop this madness before it starts. That means that we need your financial support to thwart what may prove to be the most diabolical plan that Barack Obama has devised to date. Please be sure to give the biggest DONATION that you can to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF), so that we can work to stop Mr. Obama and his Cabinet minions when they issue "Executive Orders" and "Secretarial Orders" to impose draconian regulations on the American people that were never authorized by Congress. Don't wait until someone's Executive or Secretarial Order infringes on your personal Constitutional rights. DONATE NOW WHILE WE CAN STOP BARACK OBAMA'S BYPASSING OF CONGRESS. The best time to stop this sabotage of liberty is before Mr. Obama's unConstitutional Orders are implemented.
Barack Obama simply IGNORES the U.S. Constitution. The last two years have been a legislative nightmare caused by the "could-care-less-about-the American-voter" mentality of the liberal elites in Washington. Plain and simple, even though he doesn't seem to have gotten it, the November election sent a message to Mr. Obama; and to Congress. But Barack Obama just shrugged off his "shellacking" by saying that the voters did not reject his agenda; he merely did not communicate his agenda to the voters correctly. WOW---what a fantasyland that he lives in.
Mr. Obama is determined to control YOUR every move: Healthcare, intimidation at the polls, Internet regulation, backdoor gun control, land use control, carbon taxes, greenhouse gas regulations---and so much more. Barack Obama has even instructed the Immigration Control & Enforcement Agency to ignore the laws dealing with illegal aliens because of UN open border edicts.
Will you help us to hold Mr. Obama accountable for his actions? Barack Hussein Obama has lost control of Congress. Now, in order to implement the balance of his political agenda that he could not get through the 111th Congress, he must now resort to "end runs" around Congress to make sure that his agenda goes forward. Barack Obama must now bypass Congress if he expects to get any more of his radical agenda enacted.
Will you help us to rein in the federal government by protesting Mr. Obama's intention to govern by Executive Order? Please, I need your help right now.
This is the ultimate slap in the face of Lady Liberty. If a law can't be enacted by Congress, it certainly can't be legislated by the White House, since the Oval Office lacks the power to enact laws. Barack Hussein Obama's plan to rule by Executive Order will grow like a cancer if it is not stopped. We need to use every weapon in our arsenal to stop this madness before it starts. That means that we need your financial support to thwart what may prove to be the most diabolical plan that Barack Obama has devised to date. Please be sure to give the biggest DONATION that you can to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF), so that we can work to stop Mr. Obama and his Cabinet minions when they issue "Executive Orders" and "Secretarial Orders" to impose draconian regulations on the American people that were never authorized by Congress. Don't wait until someone's Executive or Secretarial Order infringes on your personal Constitutional rights. DONATE NOW WHILE WE CAN STOP BARACK OBAMA'S BYPASSING OF CONGRESS. The best time to stop this sabotage of liberty is before Mr. Obama's unConstitutional Orders are implemented.
Legislating or regulating by Executive Order or "Secretarial Order," and bypassing the legislative process, is not Constitutional. Nor has it been authorized by the United States Congress, which does not wish to share its legislative authority with the White House.
Barack Hussein Obama will shortly sign something that directly affects you... via a so-called "Executive Order." The L.A. TIMES reports: "... he is also shaping a new approach for the second half of his term: to advance his agenda through executive actions he can take on his own, rather than pushing plans through an increasingly hostile Congress."
Quite frankly, Barack Obama is fundamentally changing your Constitutional rights! The current Administration has already crossed the line of rights guaranteed to all American citizens under the United States Constitution. This is inconceivable!
Mr. Obama's Executive Decrees constitute one of the most serious encroachments upon YOUR privacy---YOUR rights---and against the U. S. Constitution that this country has ever experienced! And you've got to do something QUICKLY to stop this onslaught against your privacy and your freedom!
This is the ultimate slap in the face of Lady Liberty. If a law can't be enacted by Congress, it certainly can't be legislated by the White House, since the Oval Office lacks the power to enact laws. Barack Hussein Obama's plan to rule by Executive Order will grow like a cancer if it is not stopped. We need to use every weapon in our arsenal to stop this madness before it starts. That means that we need your financial support to thwart what may prove to be the most diabolical plan that Barack Obama has devised to date. Please be sure to give the biggest DONATION that you can to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF), so that we can work to stop Mr. Obama and his Cabinet minions when they issue "Executive Orders" and "Secretarial Orders" to impose draconian regulations on the American people that were never authorized by Congress. Don't wait until someone's Executive or Secretarial Order infringes on your personal Constitutional rights. DONATE NOW WHILE WE CAN STOP BARACK OBAMA'S BYPASSING OF CONGRESS. The best time to stop this sabotage of liberty is before Mr. Obama's unConstitutional Orders are implemented.
Many will claim that we are over-reacting to a simple Executive Order. Not true! NO ONE is reacting strongly enough!
Executive Orders are "outside" the U. S. Constitution, and, therefore, they cannot be overturned easily. They are "extra'-constitutional". But they have been used by every President since Abraham Lincoln. However, Members of Congress can pass legislation in opposition to, and cut off any funding for, any Executive Order. And, an Executive Order signer can also be sued to challenge the Constitutionality of the Executive Order. We intend to initiate ACTION on this Constitutional issue immediately!
The time is now to speak up! Without your action, the America that we grew up in may not have a future! The decision is yours, please consider this e-mail, and follow your conscience by your giving to USJF.
This email has been short and to the point. Our freedoms are at stake, due to the actions of Barack Obama and his minions; and his soon-to-be-released "Executive Orders."
Please, give us your support, right now, so we can make a real difference!.
I need to hear from you QUICKLY! There is no time to waste.
Gary G. Kreep, Esq.
Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
P. S. - Mr. Obama's "Executive Orders" could come at any moment---even from his vacation villa in Hawaii. So, please, please respond right away to this coming infringement of your Constitutional freedoms.
This is the ultimate slap in the face of Lady Liberty. If a law can't be enacted by Congress, it certainly can't be legislated by the White House, since the Oval Office lacks the power to enact laws. Barack Hussein Obama's plan to rule by Executive Order will grow like a cancer if it is not stopped. We need to use every weapon in our arsenal to stop this madness before it starts. That means that we need your financial support to thwart what may prove to be the most diabolical plan that Barack Obama has devised to date. Please be sure to give the biggest DONATION that you can to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF), so that we can work to stop Mr. Obama and his Cabinet minions when they issue "Executive Orders" and "Secretarial Orders" to impose draconian regulations on the American people that were never authorized by Congress. Don't wait until someone's Executive or Secretarial Order infringes on your personal Constitutional rights. DONATE NOW WHILE WE CAN STOP BARACK OBAMA'S BYPASSING OF CONGRESS. The best time to stop this sabotage of liberty is before Mr. Obama's unConstitutional Orders are implemented.
To donate by check, make payable to:
United States Justice Foundation
Dept Code 5313
932 D Street Suite 1
Ramona, CA 92065
The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.
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