It seems that not a day goes by under the Obama administration
without something threatening our personal liberties or
challenging our freedom of religion and core values.
Today is no exception.
There is important new information for you in my message
below, including an informative update on President Obama's
latest Supreme Court nomination, which I hope you will read.
Because you have already signed our "Don't Tread on Me"
petition, the most crucial action you can take right now
to help us with this important cause is to forward this
message to 20-30 of your like-minded friends and family.
Liberty Counsel is working to amass 100,000 signed "Don't
Tread on Me" petitions. You can help make that happen by
forwarding this message on to others.
Urge them to sign the petition and get their free "Don't
Tread on Me" sticker. Simply cut and paste the below
e-mail into your own document and send it on its way
to your contacts.
You can also click here to order more "Don't Tread on Me"
window stickers:
LINK to offer page
Thank you, as always, for your support. God bless you.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Cut and paste the message below to your friends.
I have signed Liberty Counsel's "Don't Tread on Me" petition
challenging the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress
to "Cease and Desist" from passing any more unwanted
legislation or advancing liberal judicial nominees. I'm
also receiving a complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" window
sticker! Most importantly, this message is a crucial one
right now. I urge you to read the message below and
consider signing the petition as well.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Democrats now plan to ram a disturbing Supreme
Court nominee through the Senate while continuing
to force partisan and unpopular legislation
through Congress. I say, "Enough is enough!"
We must confront this radical push and get at
least 100,000 signatures on our "Don't Tread
on Me" petition as soon as possible. This message
must get out! See below. - Mat
Dear Friend,
Just hours ago, President Obama nominated Solicitor General
Elena Kagan as his candidate to replace retiring Supreme
Court Justice John Paul Stevens.
Kagan is Barack Obama's long-time collaborator and political
supporter (also a significant Obama campaign contributor)
who has never served as a judge at any level, and has virtually
no experience as a lawyer in real life.
In fact, Kagan has even less experience at being a judge
than the President did at being an executive before he was
elected. The extensive experience they share is in
transnational law (looking to foreign law to shape American
law). Ms. Kagan and the President both taught at the
University of Chicago Law School for a period of time in
the early 1990's and were both active in Chicago's legal
and political environment.
Unfortunately, Elena Kagan, like the President, has an
unsettling attitude toward religious organizations and
their influence on society. Writing in a memo concerning
counseling teenagers during unwanted pregnancies, she said:
When government funding is to be used for projects
so close to the central concerns of religion,
all religious organizations should be off limits.
She later recanted this insensitive and impractical
statement by admitting it was "the dumbest thing I
ever heard," but there is little doubt that Kagan holds
to the old, discredited fable that there must be a
"separation between church and state."
Elena Kagan is perhaps best known for banning the military
from recruiting on the Harvard Law School campus because
of her opposition to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
The Associated Press characterized her nomination
this way: "At 50 years old, Kagan would be
the youngest justice on the court, which would
give her the opportunity to extend Obama's
legacy for a generation."
Frankly, Barack Obama's socialist "legacy"
should not be extended by so much as a week,
let alone a generation. But as she proved
while getting support for a radical
restructuring of Harvard's law curriculum,
Kagan IS a consensus builder and that's why
she is such a dangerous choice for a life-time
appointment to the nation's High Court.
We will have MUCH more to say in coming days about Barack
Obama's revealing choice of Elena Kagan as a Supreme Court
nominee, especially concerning her belief that the
Constitution must be "reformed" to better comport to
international standards of law.
++Liberals ramming their agenda down our throats - while they
still have the power to do so.
If you sometimes feel like the America we love is unraveling
at the seams, you are correct. Our Constitution is under
vicious attack and is being marginalized. If liberal legal
thinkers like Elena Kagan and Barack Obama have their way,
it will "evolve" to the point of being completely unrecognizable.
A socialistic mandate is being enacted throughout
our government. Political correctness has
replaced the cherished values of our founding.
We are being pushed toward becoming a European-
style democracy with an all-powerful central
Right now, the Obama Administration and 111th Congress are
obsessed with ramming through unpopular, controversial bills
like the Financial Reform Act, Cap and Trade, Immigration
Reform, an FCC takeover of the Internet, plus enacting repeals
of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the "Defense of Marriage Act."
Pushing the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (ENDA) and
getting extremist judges approved at all levels of the
judiciary are also high on the Administration's pre-November
wish list.
Meanwhile, there are disasters unfolding in the
Gulf of Mexico, Tennessee and Kentucky - all
on the heels of an onslaught of tornadoes in
Arkansas and flooding in the northeast.
Americans are facing unbelievable catastrophes
in our own back yard plus a disastrous ten
percent unemployment rate...and yet, where is
the government's focus? On passing their
socialist "reform" agenda!
The plain fact is that our government's priorities are grossly
misplaced. Wall Street Journal columnist Fred Barnes hit the
nail squarely on the head with this recent comment:
"The White House wants to pass as much legislation
as possible before losing its big majorities
[in Congress], no matter how unpopular its
proposals are."
Mr. Barnes and I are in total agreement as to why, as he says,
"Washington has never been held in lower esteem by Americans
than it is today."
++Enough is Enough!
We are CALLING OUT the Obama administration and
the 111th Congress! Right now, it is imperative
that we rally 100,000 people to sign our strongly
worded "Don't Tread on Me" petition to Congress,
the Obama administration and the media. We know
their objective. We learned from ObamaCare that
this power-grabbing administration will stoop
to any means in order to pass their ultraliberal
legislative agenda.
I want to deliver those 100,000 "Don't Tread on Me" statements
as soon as possible to the White House and the liberal
leaders in Congress, but I continue to need your help.
I urge you to stand against the Obama/Redid/Pelosi
axis of power and join us in signing our "Don't
Tread on Me" petition. Here is the link to the petition:
++Get your complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" sticker.
We have taken the key elements of the revolutionary
patriots' symbol of unity, the "Don't Tread on Me"
flag - including its striking color - and
incorporated them in a sticker that you can
proudly display on your car or home. It is a
free gift to you when you sign our "Don't
Tread on Me" petition.
Go here to sign the petition and request your
free "Don't Tread on Me" window sticker:
++The "November Correction" clock is ticking!
There is an awakening of conservative, patriotic citizens
across the nation which is about to transform our political
landscape. The liberals know it, which is why they're taking
action at such a feverish pitch.
Tens of thousands of citizens have taken a stand and signed
our petition warning, "Don't Tread on Me!" They realize it
is vitally important that concerned American citizens MAKE
THEIR VOICES HEARD during a time when our Constitution and
precious liberties are under full-scale assault by the
Obama Administration and the ultraliberal 111th Congress.
Please go here right now to sign your "Don't
Tread on Me" petition and to see your FREE
window sticker:
I rely upon our Liberty Counsel team members, like you, to
be eager and passionate when it comes to preserving our
liberties. You have proven to be faithfully engaged in
the defense of our freedoms and the moral, ethical and
religious foundations that our country was founded upon!
These are qualities that lead to superior citizenship
and are the very characteristics our Founders said would
be necessary for our nation to succeed.
But we must now stand together,,, or we could lose our
liberties for all time! That's why I want you to sign
your petition and to receive your "Don't Tread on Me" sticker.
Click here:
I urge you to take a minute to sign this important petition
and get your complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" campaign
sticker while they last. Also, please make your circle of
friends aware of this campaign and the availability of our
"Don't Tread on Me" sticker by forwarding this message to
20-30 of your personal contacts.
Thank you and God bless America!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Thank you in advance for helping us reach the goal of
100,000 signatures on Liberty Counsel's "Don't Tread on Me"
message to our "progressive" government officials. We'll
send your colorful campaign sticker as soon as we record
your signed petition - as our gift to you. Also, watch
for my further updates on the dangerous Kagan nomination.
God bless you!
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message.
This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal
messages. To contact Liberty Counsel with comments, questions
or to change your status, see the link at the end of this e-mail.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Comments? Questions?
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and
Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and
policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,
the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.
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