Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, 5/26/10, on O'Reilly on FOX News at 8:00 PM ET. Thanks!***



Published on on May 25, 2010

Printer-Friendly Version

Rep. Joe Sestak, the winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, says quite openly and repeatedly that he was offered a job by the White House if he would drop out of the race against Sen. Arlen Specter. Having secured Specter's conversion to the Democratic Party, thus giving the party a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, the Obama administration obviously sought to keep its word to Specter that it would do its utmost to deliver the Democratic nomination to him. According to Sestak, that included a job offer.

Who made the offer? What position was offered? And when did it happen? Sestak, who was nominated on a platform of "transparency," refuses to answer any of these questions. The White House admits that a conversation took place but won't provide any details and insists that an "internal investigation" revealed that "nothing inappropriate" took place.

Or did it?

It is unlikely that Sestak was offered a job interviewing people for the census. Only a high-level job offer -- a Cabinet post or an ambassadorship to a key country -- would have sufficient gravitas to conceivably induce him to drop his primary challenge. Some have speculated that Sestak, a retired admiral, might have been offered the post of secretary of the Navy. Others wonder whether, since he is fluent in Russian, he was to be tapped for ambassador to Moscow.

And, before an offer of that magnitude were tendered, it would have to have been cleared with the higher levels of the White House. How could an offer of a Cabinet post have been made without consultation with the chief of staff?

And how was the offer made? It would have to have been proffered by somebody whom Sestak could reasonably assume was speaking for the president and could deliver on his end of the deal. A lower-level official wouldn't have that kind of clout. Could the offer have been tendered by Rahm Emanuel himself. It's clearly his style.

But could Rahm or anyone else have made such an offer without consulting the president himself? You can't go around passing out Cabinet posts or ambassadorships without consulting the boss. Whatever position of that level the White House dangled in front of him, it would have to have been approved by the president.

And Sestak must have probed the person who conveyed the offer to ascertain its bona fides. He would reasonably have asked, "Did you clear this with the president?" Otherwise, why would he even consider such an offer?

The White House and Sestak are stonewalling questions from the media and, obviously, a Democratic-controlled Congress is not about to go poking around asking about the proposed deal.

So how could the Republicans break it open?

The weak link here is Sestak himself, who claims that he embraces "transparency." Fueled by his primary victory and the momentum it generated, Rasmussen has him four points ahead of Pat Toomey, the GOP candidate. This lead won't hold up for long in the face of a refusal to respond to questions the public is entitled to have answered.

Toomey or the Republican Party or other independent-expenditure groups should run ads throughout Pennsylvania asking these basic questions.

They should tell Sestak that he ran on a platform of transparency and it's time to reveal who offered what and when.

Either Sestak is lying and there was never an offer or the White House has skirted very close to having committed a crime or may have stepped over the edge. And, considering the stakes and the nature of what the offer would have to have been, this scandal could reach very high indeed.

Is it a high crime and misdemeanor to offer someone something of value in return for withdrawing from a U.S. Senate race? We may be about to find out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Petition to Stop Elena Kagan's Nomination & Protect Free Speech!

SharePetition to Stop Kagan & Protect Free Speech Now!.Petition to Stop Kagan & Protect Free Speech Now!

Sign FREE Petition to Stop Elena Kagan's Nomination & Protect Free Speech!

Sign Petition to Stop Elena Kagan's Nomination & Protect Free Speech!

If the U.S. Senate approves President Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court, it will be the end of the First Amendment right of free speech and move the United States a giant leap closer to Obama’s goal of making us a socialist nation and becoming America’s first dictator.

Kagan, has only written nine articles in her career and in those writings, she has made her stance on the restriction of free speech clearly evident. Starting with her 1993 University of Chicago Law Review article, “Regulation of Hate Speech and Pornography After R.A.V,” Kagan wrote, “I take it as a given that we live in a society marred by racial and gender inequality, that certain forms of speech perpetuate and promote this inequality, and that the uncoerced disappearance of such speech would be cause for great elation.”

Just having such speech disappear is not enough for nominee Kagan. In her 1996 paper, “Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Government Motive in First Amendment Doctrine”, she actually believes that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “is best understood and most readily explained as a kind of motive-hunting.” She went on to support the idea that it is acceptable for the government to restrict any form of speech if it is deemed to be offensive to society or to the government.

In the case of United States v. Stevens, first argued in 2009, the brief, which was signed by Kagan, stated, “Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs.”

Does the First Amendment allow for the freedom or restriction of speech to be determined against societal costs? What it does say is, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (emphasis mine). At the time our Founding Fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights, the term ‘abridging’ meant ‘to deprive’ or ‘diminish’. They understood the importance of giving people the right to openly criticize their government, especially when those criticisms were justifiable. Yet, Elena Kagan is determined to redefine ‘abridging’ to mean that those in charge will have the power and legal right to determine what one can say about the government, about sinful lifestyles or anything else that might be deemed offensive by the leadership or the vocal minority.

But Wait! There’s More!

Why would President Obama want to appoint someone to the U.S. Supreme Court who has had no judicial experience whatsoever?

Perhaps it has something to do with her undergraduate thesis where she wrote how it saddened her that socialism was declining in America, especially for those that wanted to change America. Obama has surrounded himself with socialists, Maoists and Marxists and Elena Kagan would now add one of his socialist groupies to the highest court in the land.

But Wait! There’s More!

Kagan has also openly endorsed and supported giving the office of President of the United States more power and control than the office already has. We have already seen a tremendous increase in presidential powers during the Clinton administration, but Kagan wants to give the president a larger role in regulation of affairs that deal with his own policies and agenda. This increase in power and restriction of speech could be just one step away for establishing President Obama as America’s first dictator.

When you add all of these together, you should be able to see a clear picture of a person that wants to take away our freedom of speech, give more power to the President and who would be overjoyed to see our country become a socialist nation and Obama wants to put on the Supreme Court where she can effectively rule to make these things happen.

Despite what you think of President Woodrow Wilson, he gave us a very wise warning when he said, “The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it. When we resist the concentration of power, we are resisting the powers of death. Concentration of power precedes the destruction of human liberties.”

It is time that Americans stand up and be heard. Everyone needs to contact their U.S. Senator and tell them NOT to approve the appointment of Kagan to the Supreme Court. She is an abomination to everything our Founding Fathers stood for and we need to resist the President’s appointment and let him and everyone else know how anti freedom, anti liberty and anti American Elena Kagan is.

SIGN THE FREE PETITION, sponsored by Patriot Update, Vision to America, and Restoring Biblical Foundations! We'll take this petition to Congress!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Glen's gets better and better! The Truth is so Piercing!!!!!!!

Obama Zombies: The President's Mindless Youth Cult

Obama Zombies: The President's Mindless Youth Cult

Dear Fellow Conservative:

In 2008, Barack Obama lobotomized a generation.

For an entire year, otherwise clear-thinking members of the most affluent, information-drenched generation in American history fell prey to the most expensive, hi-tech, laser-focused marketing assault in presidential campaign history.

Twitter messages were machine-gunned to cell phones at Mach speed. Facebook and MySpace groups spread across the Internet like digital fire. YouTube videos featuring celebrities ricocheted around the globe and into college students’ in-boxes with devastating regularity.

The result: An unthinking mass of young voters marched in lockstep to elect the most radical, untested President in American history.

And Jason Mattera -- one of the country’s top young conservative activists, and now the editor of Human Events -- saw up close how it all unfolded.

Now, in Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation, Mattera reveals the true, behind-the-scenes story of the methods and tactics the Obama campaign unleashed on youth culture.

For a limited time, Human Events is making Jason Mattera’s Obama Zombies available to you absolutely FREE.

Here’s what Human Events’ legal correspondent Ann Coulter has to say about Obama Zombies:

“Jason Mattera is a national treasure. You’ve seen him ambush interview and demolish some of liberalism’s biggest names. Now he’s served our nation yet again by exposing the liberal lunatics who gave us President Obama. Piercing, eye-opening and deliciously witty, Obama Zombies is required reading for an entire generation who have been sold liberal lies.”

And here’s what Human Events columnist Michelle Malkin has to say about Obama Zombies:

“A heat-seeking missile aimed straight at the Cult of Obama. Explosive, devastating and rib-crackingly hilarious, Obama Zombies is a must-read for every citizen who cares about protecting freedom for future generations of America.”

Click here to learn more -- and to get your FREE copy of Jason Mattera’s Obama Zombies today.

Your friend,

Thomas S. Winter
Editor in Chief, Human Events

P.S. Here is how to tick off a liberal... just subscribe to Human Events today! (And you'll receive a FREE copy of Obama Zombies today -- a $25 value.)

Suspicion! Then , yes, prove you are not a Domestic Terrorist-if some asshole says so, your rights are gone!

Innocent until proven guilty- GONE! If You are suspect by an asshole, You are guilty of domestic
terrorism and held until you prove you are not!!! This is on the table with the appointment
of the new justice!! Obama will take away your Miranda rights and make suspicion a death
warrant to people that get in the way of his agenda. They declare you suspect and it just
like they declare you a Jew in Hitlers Nazi Germany! This is only a baby step away as a tool
to put fear in Americans that disagree or are politically oppose to the Obama agenda!
You see, you have no control of who is deemed a domestic terrorist! This who is a "Jew"
mentality will soon remove all rights we have! It is not only this; it is the the control of all
aspects of our lives; Internet; gun rights ; free speech and dissent! etc.....!

Pass this on! Vote out all democrats quickly!!! send money and now tell brother sister
momand in laws to become aware the conspiracies are coming true! Facist will rule us
if we let them!!!!!

Glen says this better than I, if you watch 05-11-2010 boardcast (Tonights!)Fox

Michael Bloomberg and Sarah Brady are demanding

To my U.S. Congressman and Senators:

Whereas: Radical anti-gunners like Michael Bloomberg and Sarah Brady are demanding that Congress close the so-called gun show loophole, though thousands of firearms are sold by law-abiding citizens every day without the need of government “assistance,” and;

Whereas: The Constitution protects the rights of the individual to be considered “innocent until proven guilty,” and;

Whereas: The Brady Registration Act background check is requiring government permission prior to exercising a constitutionally protected right, and;

Whereas: Any attempt to close the so-called “gun show loophole” will be viewed by gun rights voters as an attempt to pander to the left-wing extremist bent on banning all private firearms sales, and;

Therefore: I demand you support the Constitution by opposing S. 843 and any companion legislation to close the so-called gun show loophole and ban all private firearms sales.

left-wing extremist bent on banning all private firearms

To my U.S. Congressman and Senators:

Whereas: Radical anti-gunners like Michael Bloomberg and Sarah Brady are demanding that Congress close the so-called gun show loophole, though thousands of firearms are sold by law-abiding citizens every day without the need of government “assistance,” and;

Whereas: The Constitution protects the rights of the individual to be considered “innocent until proven guilty,” and;

Whereas: The Brady Registration Act background check is requiring government permission prior to exercising a constitutionally protected right, and;

Whereas: Any attempt to close the so-called “gun show loophole” will be viewed by gun rights voters as an attempt to pander to the left-wing extremist bent on banning all private firearms sales, and;

Therefore: I demand you support the Constitution by opposing S. 843 and any companion legislation to close the so-called gun show loophole and ban all private firearms sales.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Barack Obama's socialist "legacy"should not be extended by so much as a week


It seems that not a day goes by under the Obama administration
without something threatening our personal liberties or
challenging our freedom of religion and core values.
Today is no exception.

There is important new information for you in my message
below, including an informative update on President Obama's
latest Supreme Court nomination, which I hope you will read.

Because you have already signed our "Don't Tread on Me"
petition, the most crucial action you can take right now
to help us with this important cause is to forward this
message to 20-30 of your like-minded friends and family.

Liberty Counsel is working to amass 100,000 signed "Don't
Tread on Me" petitions. You can help make that happen by
forwarding this message on to others.

Urge them to sign the petition and get their free "Don't
Tread on Me" sticker. Simply cut and paste the below
e-mail into your own document and send it on its way
to your contacts.

You can also click here to order more "Don't Tread on Me"
window stickers:
LINK to offer page

Thank you, as always, for your support. God bless you.

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

Cut and paste the message below to your friends.



I have signed Liberty Counsel's "Don't Tread on Me" petition
challenging the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress
to "Cease and Desist" from passing any more unwanted
legislation or advancing liberal judicial nominees. I'm
also receiving a complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" window
sticker! Most importantly, this message is a crucial one
right now. I urge you to read the message below and
consider signing the petition as well.


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

Democrats now plan to ram a disturbing Supreme
Court nominee through the Senate while continuing
to force partisan and unpopular legislation
through Congress. I say, "Enough is enough!"
We must confront this radical push and get at
least 100,000 signatures on our "Don't Tread
on Me" petition as soon as possible. This message
must get out! See below. - Mat

Dear Friend,

Just hours ago, President Obama nominated Solicitor General
Elena Kagan as his candidate to replace retiring Supreme
Court Justice John Paul Stevens.

Kagan is Barack Obama's long-time collaborator and political
supporter (also a significant Obama campaign contributor)
who has never served as a judge at any level, and has virtually
no experience as a lawyer in real life.

In fact, Kagan has even less experience at being a judge
than the President did at being an executive before he was
elected. The extensive experience they share is in
transnational law (looking to foreign law to shape American
law). Ms. Kagan and the President both taught at the
University of Chicago Law School for a period of time in
the early 1990's and were both active in Chicago's legal
and political environment.

Unfortunately, Elena Kagan, like the President, has an
unsettling attitude toward religious organizations and
their influence on society. Writing in a memo concerning
counseling teenagers during unwanted pregnancies, she said:

When government funding is to be used for projects
so close to the central concerns of religion,
all religious organizations should be off limits.

She later recanted this insensitive and impractical
statement by admitting it was "the dumbest thing I
ever heard," but there is little doubt that Kagan holds
to the old, discredited fable that there must be a
"separation between church and state."

Elena Kagan is perhaps best known for banning the military
from recruiting on the Harvard Law School campus because
of her opposition to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

The Associated Press characterized her nomination
this way: "At 50 years old, Kagan would be
the youngest justice on the court, which would
give her the opportunity to extend Obama's
legacy for a generation."

Frankly, Barack Obama's socialist "legacy"
should not be extended by so much as a week,
let alone a generation. But as she proved
while getting support for a radical
restructuring of Harvard's law curriculum,
Kagan IS a consensus builder and that's why
she is such a dangerous choice for a life-time
appointment to the nation's High Court.

We will have MUCH more to say in coming days about Barack
Obama's revealing choice of Elena Kagan as a Supreme Court
nominee, especially concerning her belief that the
Constitution must be "reformed" to better comport to
international standards of law.

++Liberals ramming their agenda down our throats - while they
still have the power to do so.

If you sometimes feel like the America we love is unraveling
at the seams, you are correct. Our Constitution is under
vicious attack and is being marginalized. If liberal legal
thinkers like Elena Kagan and Barack Obama have their way,
it will "evolve" to the point of being completely unrecognizable.

A socialistic mandate is being enacted throughout
our government. Political correctness has
replaced the cherished values of our founding.
We are being pushed toward becoming a European-
style democracy with an all-powerful central

Right now, the Obama Administration and 111th Congress are
obsessed with ramming through unpopular, controversial bills
like the Financial Reform Act, Cap and Trade, Immigration
Reform, an FCC takeover of the Internet, plus enacting repeals
of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the "Defense of Marriage Act."

Pushing the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (ENDA) and
getting extremist judges approved at all levels of the
judiciary are also high on the Administration's pre-November
wish list.

Meanwhile, there are disasters unfolding in the
Gulf of Mexico, Tennessee and Kentucky - all
on the heels of an onslaught of tornadoes in
Arkansas and flooding in the northeast.
Americans are facing unbelievable catastrophes
in our own back yard plus a disastrous ten
percent unemployment rate...and yet, where is
the government's focus? On passing their
socialist "reform" agenda!

The plain fact is that our government's priorities are grossly
misplaced. Wall Street Journal columnist Fred Barnes hit the
nail squarely on the head with this recent comment:

"The White House wants to pass as much legislation
as possible before losing its big majorities
[in Congress], no matter how unpopular its
proposals are."

Mr. Barnes and I are in total agreement as to why, as he says,
"Washington has never been held in lower esteem by Americans
than it is today."

++Enough is Enough!

We are CALLING OUT the Obama administration and
the 111th Congress! Right now, it is imperative
that we rally 100,000 people to sign our strongly
worded "Don't Tread on Me" petition to Congress,
the Obama administration and the media. We know
their objective. We learned from ObamaCare that
this power-grabbing administration will stoop
to any means in order to pass their ultraliberal
legislative agenda.

I want to deliver those 100,000 "Don't Tread on Me" statements
as soon as possible to the White House and the liberal
leaders in Congress, but I continue to need your help.

I urge you to stand against the Obama/Redid/Pelosi
axis of power and join us in signing our "Don't
Tread on Me" petition. Here is the link to the petition:

++Get your complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" sticker.

We have taken the key elements of the revolutionary
patriots' symbol of unity, the "Don't Tread on Me"
flag - including its striking color - and
incorporated them in a sticker that you can
proudly display on your car or home. It is a
free gift to you when you sign our "Don't
Tread on Me" petition.

Go here to sign the petition and request your
free "Don't Tread on Me" window sticker:

++The "November Correction" clock is ticking!

There is an awakening of conservative, patriotic citizens
across the nation which is about to transform our political
landscape. The liberals know it, which is why they're taking
action at such a feverish pitch.

Tens of thousands of citizens have taken a stand and signed
our petition warning, "Don't Tread on Me!" They realize it
is vitally important that concerned American citizens MAKE
THEIR VOICES HEARD during a time when our Constitution and
precious liberties are under full-scale assault by the
Obama Administration and the ultraliberal 111th Congress.

Please go here right now to sign your "Don't
Tread on Me" petition and to see your FREE
window sticker:

I rely upon our Liberty Counsel team members, like you, to
be eager and passionate when it comes to preserving our
liberties. You have proven to be faithfully engaged in
the defense of our freedoms and the moral, ethical and
religious foundations that our country was founded upon!
These are qualities that lead to superior citizenship
and are the very characteristics our Founders said would
be necessary for our nation to succeed.

But we must now stand together,,, or we could lose our
liberties for all time! That's why I want you to sign
your petition and to receive your "Don't Tread on Me" sticker.
Click here:

I urge you to take a minute to sign this important petition
and get your complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" campaign
sticker while they last. Also, please make your circle of
friends aware of this campaign and the availability of our
"Don't Tread on Me" sticker by forwarding this message to
20-30 of your personal contacts.

Thank you and God bless America!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Thank you in advance for helping us reach the goal of
100,000 signatures on Liberty Counsel's "Don't Tread on Me"
message to our "progressive" government officials. We'll
send your colorful campaign sticker as soon as we record
your signed petition - as our gift to you. Also, watch
for my further updates on the dangerous Kagan nomination.
God bless you!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message.
This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal
messages. To contact Liberty Counsel with comments, questions
or to change your status, see the link at the end of this e-mail.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and
Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and
policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,
the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.

* His second front is to demonize Fox News and conservative advocacy groups like the Tea Partiers as polarizing



Published in the New York Post on May 10, 2010

He said he had the audacity to hope that America could rise above the politics of partisan polarization and embrace the sunlight paths of compromise and cooperation. But that was then and this is now.

Faced with falling polls and the chance of wholesale obliteration of his majorities in Congress, President Obama has plainly decided to pursue the very politics of division and partisan animus he once claimed to eschew.

To grasp the reasons behind Obama's descent into the mud, start with some basic facts. In 2008, he won almost exactly the same percentage of the white vote that John Kerry won in 2004. The reasons he won and Kerry lost were all demographic:

* Obama generated an African-American turnout three points higher than Kerry, and almost all of those new voters supported him.

* Latino-American voters gave Obama a margin of 45 points while they supported Kerry by only 10 -- and they constituted 1 percent more of the vote in '08 than in '04.

* Obama offset his losses among older white voters by increasing the turnout and the Democratic margin among whites under age 30.

While Obama seemed to avoid the politics of race in his campaign, identity politics and ethnic fault lines were in fact crucial to electing him president.

Now he's returning to dance with those that brought him. He has launched a broad campaign to polarize the electorate and increase levels of fear and racial tension to serve his cause. Each aspect of this new offensive has a clear strategic objective.

* Obama is outspoken in his criticism of the Arizona immigration law as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pushes an immigration-reform bill. Both surely realize that the bill has no serious chance of enactment this year now that the Republicans, led by Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) have walked away from the table. But they want the issue and the polarization it brings.

By making Hispanic voters feel under assault -- by emphasizing that the Arizona law could mean that they would be hauled down to the police station at any moment to prove their legal status -- Obama hopes to repeat the Democrats' top-heavy Latino margins from 2008.

* His second front is to demonize Fox News and conservative advocacy groups like the Tea Partiers as polarizing and even accuse them of fomenting domestic terrorism. While he denounces Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, former President Bill Clinton darkly warns that the anti-government rhetoric of the Tea Party activists could incite Oklahoma City-style bombings and terrorism.

Both men are trying to scare the left and motivate a high turnout by painting the right as a force of darkness. By warning of barbarians at the gate, they hope to remedy the low turnout that has cost the Democrats victories in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts.

* Obama is also stepping up his attacks on the likes of Goldman Sachs and BP, disregarding the inconvenient truth that he is the largest recipient of their campaign donations in the nation. While both firms richly deserve our contempt, Obama is hoping to use their misconduct to link Republicans to big business and big oil to deflect his own efforts to foist big government on the country.

All these efforts reflect the basic problem Democrats have in off-year elections -- that voter turnout is typically 15 to 20 points lower than in presidential years. Normally, it is precisely the president's political base that stays home -- African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, single women and young people.

By raising racial and partisan tensions and stoking class animosities, Obama hopes to gin up the turnout and avert disaster for his party in November.

Republicans must not take the bait. They should emphasize employer penalties for hiring illegals so that the flow dries up and neither harsh laws like Arizona's nor an amnesty will be needed. The GOP needs to stress Obama's connections with both Goldman and BP and push their own ideas for regulatory reform. And Fox News needs to continue to do what it does best -- get new viewers and expand its reach.

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Purchase 2010: Take Back America - A Battle Plan from Barnes&!

Purchase 2010: Take Back America - A Battle Plan from!

Purchase 2010: Take Back America - A Battle Plan from!

Go to to read all of Dick's columns!


With healthcare reform now out of Obama's hands, he's set his sites on devouring the entire free-enterprise system.

Don't Let Obama's Spending Binge
Destroy Your Wealth

Dear Concerned American,

With healthcare reform now out of Obama's hands, he's set his sites on devouring the entire free-enterprise system.

In his first 100 days as president, Obama gobbled up two major automakers, wolfed down nearly 600 banks, gorged on blue-chip companies, and scarfed down the U.S. credit industry. President "Obama the Hungry" makes King Henry VIII look like a compulsive dieter!

I know something about overeating. It can kill you. Back when I was governor of Arkansas, I was so overweight I developed Type II diabetes. Doctors told me to lay down the knife and fork -- or else. That scared me. I cut the calories and lost 110 pounds. Only then did I regain my health.

Does fat like that scare Obama? Heck no.

Fresh from gulping down $800 billion of our money to load up his Washington smorgasbord, Obama helped himself to an even bigger second course -- stuffing his face with another $1 trillion worth of government-funded healthcare.

The worst part is we will pay the tab for this gargantuan pig-out!

As sure as heartburn follows a chili-dog, this massive "Obama-binge" will trigger hyperinflation. There's only one way for the President to pay for this feast and you know what it is. Yes, get those presses rolling and print trillions of inflated dollars.

I'll bet you're thinking -- well, what can I do about it? True enough, Obama can pretty much do what he wants -- at least until the 2010 mid-term elections come along and we Americans can send him a "slim-down or else" message.

But right now, you and I need to protect the money we've earned and invested over the years -- before Obama's hyperinflation chews our buying power down by multiple percentage points. This is a serious concern, believe me. It's so serious I won't pretend, as a politician and talk-show host, to have the answers for you. But I know someone who does.

I urge you to consider the proven financial guidance of Doug Fabian -- the renowned investing advisor who saw the financial meltdown of 2008 coming and saved a whole lot of people a whole lot of money.

Subscribers to Successful Investing, Doug's newsletter, knew the meaning of terms like "housing bubble" and "sub-prime" long before they became headline news and the source of financial misery for millions.

This is what Doug wrote in 2006, nearly two years before the crash:

"Pay little heed to the real estate industry's PR campaign to play down the coming housing price slump. It's happening. The bottom is falling out for many banks, investors, and homeowners right now."

This is what Doug is writing today:

"Never mind the endless speculation about inflation and interest rates -- they're going up."

Doug's not just warning his readers about hyperinflation, he's steering them to investments that make money during inflationary periods. He reminds us that many fortunes were made in the 1970s when America was ravaged by high inflation and brought to the brink of collapse by Jimmy Carter -- a president eerily similar to Barack Obama.

Look, I'm no investing wizard. But I invest. I have to. So do you. Counting on Social Security while Obama is in office is a little like saying, "The Light Brigade is about to charge? Sign me up!"

But having someone with the proven know-how and track record of Doug Fabian is a comfort. That's some track record, by the way. Successful Investing has generated double-digit annual returns for ordinary investors for 33 years and counting. Best of all, Doug does all the work for you.

Don't just take my word. Investor's Business Daily called Doug "one of the best market timers in the business.

Count on it, the "Obama-binge" will result in hyperinflation. ($1.8 trillion in government spending makes it all but inevitable). You can't control that.

But when the day of reckoning comes, you can be one of the few whose portfolio is already adapted to profit from it. Could you ask for anything better?

Well, you can. But you'll have to wait till 2012 before we elect a new president!

Senate Hearing Promotes Anti-American Watchlist Bills

Vol. 17, No. 18 05/07/10
Senate Hearing Promotes Anti-American Watchlist Bills

Since September 11, 2001, it's been clear that terrorists who hate America will exploit our weaknesses in order to destroy us. This week, Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg exploited Americans' fear of terrorism to push their latest anti-gun proposal, and in doing so showed that they're willing to destroy other parts of the Constitution, to choke its Second Amendment.

On Tuesday, as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Lieberman held a hearing to give Lautenberg and King the opportunity to promote their bills S.1317 and H.R.2159, to prohibit the possession of firearms by people on the FBI's "terrorist watchlist," and Lautenberg's S. 2820, to maintain records of approved instant background check transactions for a minimum of 180 days. The watchlist bills further propose that a person seeking relief in court from these new restrictions would be prevented from examining and challenging "evidence" against him, and that the judge deciding whether the person had been watchlisted for good reason be limited to summaries and redacted versions of such "evidence."

Sunday, May 9, 2010




Published on on May 5, 2010

Why is Obama vilifying FOX News? Why does Harry Reid push an immigration bill he knows can't pass? Why won't Schumer compromise on regulatory reform and why does he try to hang Goldman Sachs around the GOP? Why did Bill Clinton blame conservatives who oppose big government for the Oklahoma City bombing?

All share one motivation: To increase their base's turnout in the off year elections of 2010. Going after FOX News stimulates a feeling of victimization on the left. The immigration bill and the new Arizona law catalyzes a Latino turnout. Goldman Sachs enrages liberal anti-Wall Street populists. By characterizing the Tea Party activists as dangerous, liberals are aroused to vote in November.

There are two way to win any election: energize the base or appeal to the center. Obama is, predictably, choosing the former, deliberately pushing policies that drive Independents into Republican arms as the price for generating passion on the part of his supporters.

Turnout in presidential year elections averages about 20 points higher than in off-year legislative races. Normally, the decrease in turnout is primarily among the least educated voters -- African-Americans and Latino-Americans -- and among young voters. These groups are, of course, precisely those that rallied to back Obama and put him over the top in 2008. A falloff in their turnout would be fatal to Obama's hopes of continuing Democratic control of Congress.

So Obama is doing all he can to generate a turnout, even going to the lengths of fostering racial tensions over immigration to energize his base.

Ultimately, the two events of this past week -- the oil spill and the Times Square terror attack -- will work in opposite political directions. While Obama may lose the day to day effort to convince us that he acted in a timely way to contain the spill, the more damage the oil does, the more environmentalists will be activated and fears of off shore drilling will be stoked. Advantage: Obama.

And the reverse is true of the Times Square attack. While Attorney General Eric Holder and the Homeland Security folks may win the day to day coverage of how they located and arrested the terror suspect, pulling him off a plane on the runway at JFK, the entire episode will raise fears of terrorism. Voters will ask why we have had three attempted attacks on US soil since Obama took office (Ft. Hood, Detroit airplane, and Times Square) while we had none in the seven years of Bush after 9/11. Advantage: Republicans.

The more either story has legs, the more the spill spreads and the more terror fears escalate, the more the respective political parties will benefit.



Thursday, May 6, 2010

Obama Aministration wants Your 401 (k)

Obama Aministration wants Your 401 (k)
5-5-2010Categorized in: EconomicsThere have been rumblings from the Obama Administration regarding efforts to create "Guaranteed Retirement Accounts" and impose new government mandates which would undermine 401(k) retirement savings plans and jeopardize employers’ willingness to continue offering them to their workers.

Human Events reports that Vice President Biden mentioned this idea in February as part of the White House's "Annual Report on the Middle Class." They also report that "in conjunction with the report’s release, the Obama administration jointly issued through the Departments of Labor and Treasury a 'Request for Information' regarding the 'annuitization' of 401(k) plans through 'Lifetime Income Options' in the form of a notice to the public of proposed issuance of rules and regulations."

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Obama's next regulate and destroy mission: The Internet

On Today's Program
Obama's next regulate and destroy mission: The Internet

The FCC is planning on making the internet a public utility so it can be regulated much in the same way that phone companies are. The government will argue that they are doing this to boost your internet speeds, or something. When has the government ever been good at making something more efficient? Clearly never - so what's the real reason behind the move? Glenn explains on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Ratings 'slump'?

Leftist blog sites are claiming that Glenn is losing his audience. This is a very interesting claim since all last week Glenn was #1 in all of cable news. So, just for the flaming idiots on the left who repeatedly demonstrate their lack of a personal life, Glenn addresses his ratings 'slump' in the latest Beck Talks video blog. WATCH

Stay classy, Rick Sanchez!

CNN anchorman Rick Sanchez gave definition to the term 'talking head' this week while ending a segment and teasing the next with 'tease, ad-lib'…Remember this moment next time Rick gives one of his boneheaded opinions... ENJOY!

Students punished for American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo

Students at a California high school were actually punished yesterday for wearing American flag shirts. But it gets even worse - the reason they were punished was because school officials told them it was insensitive to Mexican students to wear the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Why would that be insensitive? Glenn has the story on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

INDOCTRINATION: Fusion magazine is focused this month on educating and teaching our kids - this story proves that now more than ever our kids need to have a firm understanding of this country and its founding principles. Order your FUSION now!

Monday, May 3, 2010

* Statehood would give Puerto Rico more congressional representation than 25 of our 50 states!

Puerto Rico Being Forced Down the Path to Statehood?

Sometimes we receive items from local tea parties around the country that are so well drafted, and so important, that we just forward them as is. Thanks to Patti Weaver of the Pittsburgh Tea Party for the following:

Would you please call the U.S. Representatives today and ask them to vote no on H.R. 2499? This is a trojan horse, middle of the night kind of bill that you may not have heard about yet. The Left is trying to label anyone who votes against this bill as a racist, so all representatives must be called!


Congress is at it again!

Now they are trying to sneak in a vote that would put Puerto Rico on the path to statehood. The only trouble is, they haven't exactly told US about it (sound familiar??).

Please take a moment and read the information below, then pick up the phone and CALL YOUR CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE! ... Then call five friends and ask them to do the same! :)

Click on to get your Representative's best phone numbers. Start with the DC offices, then move on the the LOCAL numbers!

Demand your Representative vote NO on HR 2499

Here's what Andrew Breitbart's had to say:
There is a bill to make Puerto Rico a state. Again, they are trying to pull one over on us and on Puerto Ricans, who have consistently said they do not want to become a state. Read below for more information (from Eagle Forum). This was also discussed by Rep Tom Price on a conference call yesterday.

Please consider this:

* The U.S. would transform, overnight, into a bilingual nation. At least half of Puerto Ricans do not speak English, the language of our U.S. Constitution and founding documents. The Washington Times article, "Puerto Rican statehood," analyzes all the implications of adding a foreign language-speaking state to the Union.

* It would bring immediate demands for massive federal spending. The average income of Puerto Ricans is less than half that of our poorest state, and infrastructure and the environment are far below American standards. Puerto Rico has a population with a median national income of $17,741, nearly a third of that for the U.S.

* Puerto Rico is already a democracy. Despite the bill's deceptive title, Puerto Rico already has an elected government and exists as a self-governed commonwealth of the U.S.

* Statehood would give Puerto Rico more congressional representation than 25 of our 50 states! It would inevitably give Democrats two additional U.S. Senators and 6 to 8 additional Members of the House.

H.R. 2499 is stealth legislation designed to lead to the admission of Spanish-speaking Puerto Rico as the 51st state, thereby making us a de facto bilingual nation, like Canada. The U.S. Congress should not be forcing Puerto Ricans to vote on statehood, especially since the Puerto Rican people have rejected statehood three times since 1991!

No Member of Congress who describes himself as a limited government, fiscal conservative should be casting a YEA vote for H.R. 2499,as Puerto Rican statehood would cause an immediate increase in federal expenditures, particularly for taxpayer-funded welfare state services.

Read the whole thing:

The Puerto Rican government is even playing hardball with it own people! Read this by Ann Shibler :

The United States House of Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act, as early as this week. This bill would mandate a non-binding expression by the voters of Puerto Rico as to their wishes with regard to retaining their commonwealth status or becoming a state or becoming an independent nation, but in conjunction with other legislation already introduced inside Puerto Rico, the commonwealth status of the island could be eliminated as early as this year.

Three times in the past 43 years Puerto Ricans have voted against becoming the 51st state in the Union, the last time being 11 years ago. But this time the bill is rigged to eliminate the commonwealth option and grant either full statehood, or total independence. Sen. Jose Hernandez-Mayoral of the island's minority Popular Democratic Party said, "Behind this innocuous bill lies a fully thought out assault on Congress to designate the island the 51st state." "With the commonwealth option out of the ballot, statehood is finally, albeit crookedly, assured a victory."

The whole article is here:

HR2499 text:
Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009 (Reported in House):

Thanks for all your hard work.

God bless you.


Patti Weaver
Pittsburgh Tea Party Movement


You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Rob Gaudet, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

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Tea Party Patriots Support Phone: 404-593-0877

Jenny Beth Martin (, 770-878-1550, @jenuinejen)
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