Dick Morris has a plan to take back Congress in November
In his cover story, "Drowning in Debt," Heritage budget expert Brian Riedl explains why the massive growth of government and out-of-control entitlement spending threatens to bury America.
President Obama swept into office promising to make tough choices. Perhaps the toughest choices are needed in the federal budget, where historic budget deficits, combined with surging Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid entitlement costs, threaten to hand the next generation the greatest debt burden in history--resulting in painful tax increases, slower economic growth and lower lifetime incomes.
Yet rather than fulfill his pledge to dig America out of this budgetary hole, the president has dug the hole deeper with unaffordable "stimulus" spending and a budget proposal that increases spending and taxes even further. The result: an unsustainable federal budget trajectory that threatens the future of the U.S. economy. ...
This is a conversation America must have. With spending and deficits soaring, kicking the can down the road is no longer an option. Muddling through with gimmicks and band-aid solutions isn't realistic either.
The United States is about to dump the largest pile of debt in history onto the next generation. The federal government is about to grow to European levels--and bring our tax levels with it. It is time for President Obama and Congress to finally confront this challenge.
Drowning: Out of Control Government Debt Threatens to Bankrupt America
Social Security, the world's biggest Ponzi scheme, has no money and no way of meeting its obligations.
Medicare's dire future makes Social Security look like peanuts.
And Medicaid, the largest of our "autopilot" entitlement programs, will serve only to drive us deeper into debt.
Now, President Obama has enacted his signature legislation--ObamaCare--which will take over one-sixth of our economy.
Washington's out-of-control spending and debt growth will bankrupt America--and our elected (and unelected) officials in the congressional majority and the White House are working to only make things worse.
But there is a way out.
We detail this vital issue and the solutions in the April issue of Townhall Magazine.
One of the tactics for addressing our burgeoning government is the busting of government monopolies. Web sites like Craigslist show us how this is done.
Also, did you ever wonder who's really got the power in Washington and is helping to grow the power of our government? One of the major players is the National Education Association, whose money and power dwarfs even that of the SEIU and ACORN. Too bad they're not as focused on educating our kids as they are in increasing their own power.
Plus: We have an exclusive report on an American hero and patriot who thwarted a terrorist attack on the 2008 GOP convention. You probably haven't heard his story since the would-be attackers were domestic, progressive leftists, not al Qaeda operatives.
And, now that we've joined forces with Hot Air, Ed Morrissey and Allahpundit are writing a regular feature for the magazine every month that is sure to raise the ire of everyone on the Left.
It's not too late to order your copy of the April 2010 issue. Subscribe today, and we'll give you a free book of your choice.
In his cover story, "Drowning in Debt," Heritage budget expert Brian Riedl explains why the massive growth of government and out-of-control entitlement spending threatens to bury America.
Other stuff in the April issue:
*D.C. legalizes gay marriage
*Shocking smuggled photos from Cuba's health care nightmare--but at least it's "free"
*Jon Stewart exposes the secret of conservative talk radio's success
*Top 10 liberals and conservatives in Congress
*The American culture that Obama despises
*A new book unveils "The Great Global Warming Blunder"
*S.E. Cupp examines the fight the liberal media is now picking with Christians
*Obama White House hires lobbyists to sell bogus "green jobs"
*Bill Maher says the "love of the troops" is really "fake patriotism"
*Keith Olbermann blames George W. Bush for 9/11 attacks
*Mary Katharine Ham tries to explain the millennial generation and how the Right can win them over
*There is hope for Haiti--but Haitians must take the lead in rebuilding
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