Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Islamic War On Free Speech Heating Up

Islamic War On Free Speech Heating Up
by Robert Spencer
Four incidents recently showed anew how keenly Islamic supremacists want to shut down the freedom of speech—and how eager many Americans are to accommodate them.
The most notorious incident was Comedy Central’s censorship of a “South Park” episode lampooning Islam’s prophet Muhammad. Even Bill O’Reilly faltered when presented with an opportunity to defend free speech, telling “South Park’s” creators: “I would’ve advised them not to do it. If somebody came to me and said, ‘Look, O’Reilly, I want to do a little satire of Muhammad on “The Factor,”’ I would say I don’t think so, because the risk is higher than the reward.”
The risk of defending free speech against violent threats and intimidation is higher than the reward? If the Founding Fathers had thought that way, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now. If the enemies of free speech, such as those who threatened “South Park’s” Matt Stone and Trey Parker over their Muhammad episode, see that death threats will frighten their victims into silence, they will only issue more death threats. Unless free people stand up and defend the right of free discourse no matter what the risk, we will surely lose that right—and any ability to stand up against the tyranny of a powerful group whose word and status cannot be questioned.
And that chastened silence before a privileged class is certainly the goal of Islamic supremacists in the United States. Besides threatening “South Park,” they also compelled the Pentagon to withdraw an invitation to evangelist Franklin Graham to participate in its National Day of Prayer event on May 6. Graham’s crime? Calling Islam “evil,” a comment he explained in this way: “If you look at what the religion does just to women, women alone, it is just horrid. And so yes, I speak out for women.”
The plight of women in the Islamic world is real. The Army should have given Franklin Graham’s explanation of his remarks thoughtful consideration—just as they should have considered the implications of the fact that the chief group complaining about Graham’s appearance at the event was the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas jihad terror funding case.
Instead, now the Army is abetting the whitewashing and cover-up of the institutionalized mistreatment of women in Islamic law. The Graham invitation could have been, as Barack Obama might say, a “teaching moment,” and an opportunity to stand up for the human rights of those women and other groups oppressed by Sharia. Instead, it is just an occasion for more submission to Islamic supremacists.
Also last week, a man named Sidney Elyea was given a hearing date of June 1 in his civil case concerning what were reported to be obscene and “anti-Islam” drawings he posted around St. Cloud, Minn. Before the civil charges were brought against Elyea, prosecutors in two counties declined to file criminal charges against him, saying that he was clearly within his 1st Amendment rights. Regarding the civil case, Elyea’s lawyer remarked: “Given what our Supreme Court has done to protect the right to free speech, it baffles me that the government has not dismissed this case.”
Ah, but Muslims are offended, and so heads must roll—figuratively, in this case.
Meanwhile, the Miami-Dade Transit authority likewise demonstrated a willingness last week to bow to Islamic law—although in this case the 1st Amendment won out. The Freedom Defense Initiative, a new organization I have begun with Pamela Geller, placed ads on Miami buses supporting religious liberty, offering help to Muslims wishing to leave Islam but threatened by their families in accord with Islam’s death penalty for apostates. Miami-Dade Transit quickly removed the ads, explaining that they were “offensive to Islam.” After our lawyer reminded Transit officials about the 1st Amendment, the ads are going back up, with more added.
Islamic supremacists continue their assault on free speech in America, and they are mostly winning. It’s time to hand them a few losses on this most crucial of fronts.
by Robert Spencer
Four incidents recently showed anew how keenly Islamic supremacists want to shut down the freedom of speech—and how eager many Americans are to accommodate them.
The most notorious incident was Comedy Central’s censorship of a “South Park” episode lampooning Islam’s prophet Muhammad. Even Bill O’Reilly faltered when presented with an opportunity to defend free speech, telling “South Park’s” creators: “I would’ve advised them not to do it. If somebody came to me and said, ‘Look, O’Reilly, I want to do a little satire of Muhammad on “The Factor,”’ I would say I don’t think so, because the risk is higher than the reward.”
The risk of defending free speech against violent threats and intimidation is higher than the reward? If the Founding Fathers had thought that way, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now. If the enemies of free speech, such as those who threatened “South Park’s” Matt Stone and Trey Parker over their Muhammad episode, see that death threats will frighten their victims into silence, they will only issue more death threats. Unless free people stand up and defend the right of free discourse no matter what the risk, we will surely lose that right—and any ability to stand up against the tyranny of a powerful group whose word and status cannot be questioned.
And that chastened silence before a privileged class is certainly the goal of Islamic supremacists in the United States. Besides threatening “South Park,” they also compelled the Pentagon to withdraw an invitation to evangelist Franklin Graham to participate in its National Day of Prayer event on May 6. Graham’s crime? Calling Islam “evil,” a comment he explained in this way: “If you look at what the religion does just to women, women alone, it is just horrid. And so yes, I speak out for women.”
The plight of women in the Islamic world is real. The Army should have given Franklin Graham’s explanation of his remarks thoughtful consideration—just as they should have considered the implications of the fact that the chief group complaining about Graham’s appearance at the event was the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas jihad terror funding case.
Instead, now the Army is abetting the whitewashing and cover-up of the institutionalized mistreatment of women in Islamic law. The Graham invitation could have been, as Barack Obama might say, a “teaching moment,” and an opportunity to stand up for the human rights of those women and other groups oppressed by Sharia. Instead, it is just an occasion for more submission to Islamic supremacists.
Also last week, a man named Sidney Elyea was given a hearing date of June 1 in his civil case concerning what were reported to be obscene and “anti-Islam” drawings he posted around St. Cloud, Minn. Before the civil charges were brought against Elyea, prosecutors in two counties declined to file criminal charges against him, saying that he was clearly within his 1st Amendment rights. Regarding the civil case, Elyea’s lawyer remarked: “Given what our Supreme Court has done to protect the right to free speech, it baffles me that the government has not dismissed this case.”
Ah, but Muslims are offended, and so heads must roll—figuratively, in this case.
Meanwhile, the Miami-Dade Transit authority likewise demonstrated a willingness last week to bow to Islamic law—although in this case the 1st Amendment won out. The Freedom Defense Initiative, a new organization I have begun with Pamela Geller, placed ads on Miami buses supporting religious liberty, offering help to Muslims wishing to leave Islam but threatened by their families in accord with Islam’s death penalty for apostates. Miami-Dade Transit quickly removed the ads, explaining that they were “offensive to Islam.” After our lawyer reminded Transit officials about the 1st Amendment, the ads are going back up, with more added.
Islamic supremacists continue their assault on free speech in America, and they are mostly winning. It’s time to hand them a few losses on this most crucial of fronts.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
We the Congress nix on We the People per Obama
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Washington (CNN) -- Senate Democrats called out Republicans on Thursday for what they said was the promotion of "falsehoods" on the financial reform bill and vowed to move the bill forward.
Republican leadership has "decided the best way to stop it ... is by polluting the debate with myths and mischaracterizations," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said at a news conference after President Obama's speech on financial reform in New York.
"I'm not going to waste any more time. ... If they let us go to it, we'll be happy to start debate," Reid said. "The games are over."
The Senate's financial reform bill would set up new regulatory oversight of the financial industry's practices with the goal of preventing another Wall Street meltdown like the one in 2008 that launched the U.S. recession.
Approved by the Senate's Banking and Agricultural committees, the bill includes an "early warning" system intended to spot signs of another crisis, as well as a $50 billion liquidation fund created with money from banks and other finance industry corporations to ensure an orderly transition in closing down failing entities.
On Thursday, Reid filed a motion to end debate on the bill, setting up that vote for Monday. The expected outcome of the vote is too close to call.
Reid said Democrats are willing to work with Republicans if they are earnest about pushing the bill forward.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell shot back at Reid's claims, saying on the Senate floor, "here we go again."
"The majority leader is once again moving to a bill, even while bipartisan discussions on the content of the bill are still under way," he said, referring to the health care bill that was recently signed into law.
The Kentucky Republican criticized Democrats and the White House for "ramming" health care reform down Americans' throats.
He said it's important to take the time to get the bill right and said discussions should continue.
Video: Obama: 'Little to fear' RELATED TOPICS
Harry Reid
Financial Markets
Mitch McConnell
U.S. Republican Party
Democratic Party
"Now, I think Americans expect more of us. I think they expect us to take the time to do it right."
But Democrats say the lesson they learned from the health care debate was to push back immediately against false claims.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, said Democrats let too many health care reform "lies" go unchallenged.
"On the health care bill, we allow too many lies to get out there without rebuttal because we thought they were so obviously untrue. But we've learned our lesson," he said.
His solution: "The minute these things come out the mouths of some of our Republican colleagues, we rebut them, and we rebut them again and again."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Watch Tea Party Video Banned By the Media...
Watch Tea Party Video Banned By the Media...
NEW DVD: Tea Party—The Documentary Film
BONUS: Comes with a Free T.E.A. Taxed Enough Already Bumper Sticker!
"Loved it. Actually brought tears to my eyes. Thank you." - Joanne
"I did watch the movie and I was on that bus w/ my sister. The movie is wonderful and it is important that we leave this documented evidence of what truly occurred on 9.12.09 since the media can not be counted on to accurately portray this fight for our freedom and the end of taking our freedom for granted. Great job in documenting the true grass roots effort that is the Tea Party movement." - Natalie
It's the biggest story of 2009, but not told by the mainstream media. Tea Party: The Documentary Film includes the hit film about the Tea Party movement with the exciting events surrounding the dramatic 9/12 March on Washington, plus a bonus music video “Patriotic People” by Hi-Caliber and special features, including behind-the-scenes footage of the making of the film, deleted sceens, plus cast and crew bios, and a Tea Party discussion guide. The film has not been rated, but is Dove Approved for Families.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Too Late Our Country is going to Hell!
Blattant Indoctrination of our Children and no Congressmen speak out against This!!!!
All Please Listen to Glen and Dick!

Dick Morris has a plan to take back Congress in November
In his cover story, "Drowning in Debt," Heritage budget expert Brian Riedl explains why the massive growth of government and out-of-control entitlement spending threatens to bury America.
President Obama swept into office promising to make tough choices. Perhaps the toughest choices are needed in the federal budget, where historic budget deficits, combined with surging Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid entitlement costs, threaten to hand the next generation the greatest debt burden in history--resulting in painful tax increases, slower economic growth and lower lifetime incomes.
Yet rather than fulfill his pledge to dig America out of this budgetary hole, the president has dug the hole deeper with unaffordable "stimulus" spending and a budget proposal that increases spending and taxes even further. The result: an unsustainable federal budget trajectory that threatens the future of the U.S. economy. ...
This is a conversation America must have. With spending and deficits soaring, kicking the can down the road is no longer an option. Muddling through with gimmicks and band-aid solutions isn't realistic either.
The United States is about to dump the largest pile of debt in history onto the next generation. The federal government is about to grow to European levels--and bring our tax levels with it. It is time for President Obama and Congress to finally confront this challenge.
Drowning: Out of Control Government Debt Threatens to Bankrupt America
Social Security, the world's biggest Ponzi scheme, has no money and no way of meeting its obligations.
Medicare's dire future makes Social Security look like peanuts.
And Medicaid, the largest of our "autopilot" entitlement programs, will serve only to drive us deeper into debt.
Now, President Obama has enacted his signature legislation--ObamaCare--which will take over one-sixth of our economy.
Washington's out-of-control spending and debt growth will bankrupt America--and our elected (and unelected) officials in the congressional majority and the White House are working to only make things worse.
But there is a way out.
We detail this vital issue and the solutions in the April issue of Townhall Magazine.
One of the tactics for addressing our burgeoning government is the busting of government monopolies. Web sites like Craigslist show us how this is done.
Also, did you ever wonder who's really got the power in Washington and is helping to grow the power of our government? One of the major players is the National Education Association, whose money and power dwarfs even that of the SEIU and ACORN. Too bad they're not as focused on educating our kids as they are in increasing their own power.
Plus: We have an exclusive report on an American hero and patriot who thwarted a terrorist attack on the 2008 GOP convention. You probably haven't heard his story since the would-be attackers were domestic, progressive leftists, not al Qaeda operatives.
And, now that we've joined forces with Hot Air, Ed Morrissey and Allahpundit are writing a regular feature for the magazine every month that is sure to raise the ire of everyone on the Left.
It's not too late to order your copy of the April 2010 issue. Subscribe today, and we'll give you a free book of your choice.
In his cover story, "Drowning in Debt," Heritage budget expert Brian Riedl explains why the massive growth of government and out-of-control entitlement spending threatens to bury America.
Other stuff in the April issue:
*D.C. legalizes gay marriage
*Shocking smuggled photos from Cuba's health care nightmare--but at least it's "free"
*Jon Stewart exposes the secret of conservative talk radio's success
*Top 10 liberals and conservatives in Congress
*The American culture that Obama despises
*A new book unveils "The Great Global Warming Blunder"
*S.E. Cupp examines the fight the liberal media is now picking with Christians
*Obama White House hires lobbyists to sell bogus "green jobs"
*Bill Maher says the "love of the troops" is really "fake patriotism"
*Keith Olbermann blames George W. Bush for 9/11 attacks
*Mary Katharine Ham tries to explain the millennial generation and how the Right can win them over
*There is hope for Haiti--but Haitians must take the lead in rebuilding
Monday, April 19, 2010
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that when it comes to determining whether a person born outside the 50 states can

"And you don't have to be born in the United States," said Thomas, referring to the Constitution, which requires the president to be a natural-born citizen but has no such clause for a Supreme Court justice, "so you never have to answer that question."
"Oh really?" asked Serrano. "So you haven't answered the one about whether I can serve as president, but you answer this one?"
"We're evading that one," answered Thomas, referring to questions of presidential eligibility and prompting laughter in the chamber. "We're giving you another option."
"Oh really?" asked Serrano. "So you haven't answered the one about whether I can serve as president, but you answer this one?"
"We're evading that one," answered Thomas, referring to questions of presidential eligibility and prompting laughter in the chamber. "We're giving you another option."
That's My Mom!!! + VAT plus income tax = Social Justice!.... don't you know!!!!!

That's No Angry Mob, That's My Mom!
by Radio Talk-Show Host Michael Graham
"Michael Graham uses his wit and humor like a club to give the arrogant Left the beatdown they deserve. This book is for every typical American who's been insulted, attacked, and abused by the liberal media just for showing up at a tea party or townhall meeting." —Glenn Beck
by Radio Talk-Show Host Michael Graham
"Michael Graham uses his wit and humor like a club to give the arrogant Left the beatdown they deserve. This book is for every typical American who's been insulted, attacked, and abused by the liberal media just for showing up at a tea party or townhall meeting." —Glenn Beck
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010

(An excerpt from the new book 2010: Take Back America -- A Battle Plan by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, on sale Tuesday, April 13th and available for pre-order (of an autographed copy) at
or now!
In her poem “The New Colossus,” inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, Emma Lazarus wrote: “Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.”
Americans embraced that image of a nation that welcomed those who wanted to work hard and grow and build their lives. But Barack Obama has replaced this call for self-reliance with an offer of security and serenity protected, subsidized, and sheltered by the government. Obama heralds his arrival on the battlefield of our politics not with a cacophony of confrontation, but with a lulling siren song designed to sedate and anesthetize us while he transplants our essence and replaces it with something else entirely. His sirens—the modern equivalent of those voices that tried to lure Ulysses onto the rocks and to his death in Homer’s Odyssey—sing the same soothing lullaby that has long since lulled Europe and Japan into a trance.
THE SIREN SINGS: Put aside your ambition. Don’t work so hard. Slow down and live a little. Don’t worry. Give the government your insecurities. Let us take care of them.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: If we go back to being a nation of childlike dependents, relying on a parental government, we will become poorer and poorer, having to make do with less and less. Government cannot create jobs or wealth. It can only take from some and give it to others. And if people cannot keep their own money, they will stop working, innovating, taking the risks that are key to survival and growth—and we will all have less.
THE SIREN SINGS: You’re not alone in the world. You have your community to surround you and a safety net below you. We have anticipated all the vagaries of life, all of its uncertainties, and have made provision for them.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: It’s the fear of failure, as much as the dream of success, that motivates us all to work hard, compete, and succeed. If life holds no perils, there’s little to get us out of bed in the morning. While we must protect those who cannot help themselves, for most of us it’s the fear of bad outcomes—as much as the lure of reward—that impels our labor.
THE SIREN SINGS: Give up some of your sovereignty and independence. You won’t need it anymore. Your leaders will show you what to do. You must surrender what you have to the community. We are all in this together. We are a unit, an entity. We will share the sacrifice, take care of each other, and let our government point the way.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: Government does almost everything worse than private business. The U.S. Postal Service is a joke compared to FedEx and UPS. The Veterans Administration hospitals are a disgrace to the men and women who have served us. Our government cannot control our borders. It can’t even distribute flu shots to those who need them. Private and church schools educate better, for less money, than public educational institutions do. State universities are drowning in their own bureaucracy. And the list goes on. Only in the military, police, and firefighting services—with their extraordinary standards of martial discipline, self-sacrifice, unit cohesion and morale—does the public sector excel.
THE SIREN SINGS: Abandon the delusions of your religious faith. They are old, for a different time. You don’t need them anymore. Secular humanism has made them unnecessary. Turn away from the spurious rituals and the false security they offer. Embrace the real security of a committed community led by enlightened experts.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: We each have a God-sized hole in our hearts and souls. Without faith, some people turn to addiction; others lose themselves in narcissism. Some become workaholics, others compulsive gamblers, and still others status-seekers who make the acquisition of material goods their own yardstick in life. Where religion falters, self-involvement takes the place of child-rearing, and birth rates drop. Values decline—and an increase in crime, sexually transmitted disease, and suicide are the result.
THE SIREN SINGS: You don’t really need your democracy anymore. Let us experts run things. We know better than you what you need and we have the knowledge to get it for you. Turn away from the cantankerous politics of shrill debate. Trust those who act with benign knowledge of what is best for you.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: The experts covet power, and power corrupts them as easily as it does anyone else. Bureaucracies become obsessed with self-perpetuation and soon lose sight of the populations they are supposed to serve. They develop cozy relationships with the power brokers in big companies to form a consortium of business and government to control our lives. It is only through democracy that we can fight their tyranny.
Pre-order a signed copy by clicking HERE.
Go to to read all of Dick's columns! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(An excerpt from the new book 2010: Take Back America -- A Battle Plan by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, on sale Tuesday, April 13th and available for pre-order (of an autographed copy) at
or now!
In her poem “The New Colossus,” inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, Emma Lazarus wrote: “Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.”
Americans embraced that image of a nation that welcomed those who wanted to work hard and grow and build their lives. But Barack Obama has replaced this call for self-reliance with an offer of security and serenity protected, subsidized, and sheltered by the government. Obama heralds his arrival on the battlefield of our politics not with a cacophony of confrontation, but with a lulling siren song designed to sedate and anesthetize us while he transplants our essence and replaces it with something else entirely. His sirens—the modern equivalent of those voices that tried to lure Ulysses onto the rocks and to his death in Homer’s Odyssey—sing the same soothing lullaby that has long since lulled Europe and Japan into a trance.
THE SIREN SINGS: Put aside your ambition. Don’t work so hard. Slow down and live a little. Don’t worry. Give the government your insecurities. Let us take care of them.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: If we go back to being a nation of childlike dependents, relying on a parental government, we will become poorer and poorer, having to make do with less and less. Government cannot create jobs or wealth. It can only take from some and give it to others. And if people cannot keep their own money, they will stop working, innovating, taking the risks that are key to survival and growth—and we will all have less.
THE SIREN SINGS: You’re not alone in the world. You have your community to surround you and a safety net below you. We have anticipated all the vagaries of life, all of its uncertainties, and have made provision for them.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: It’s the fear of failure, as much as the dream of success, that motivates us all to work hard, compete, and succeed. If life holds no perils, there’s little to get us out of bed in the morning. While we must protect those who cannot help themselves, for most of us it’s the fear of bad outcomes—as much as the lure of reward—that impels our labor.
THE SIREN SINGS: Give up some of your sovereignty and independence. You won’t need it anymore. Your leaders will show you what to do. You must surrender what you have to the community. We are all in this together. We are a unit, an entity. We will share the sacrifice, take care of each other, and let our government point the way.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: Government does almost everything worse than private business. The U.S. Postal Service is a joke compared to FedEx and UPS. The Veterans Administration hospitals are a disgrace to the men and women who have served us. Our government cannot control our borders. It can’t even distribute flu shots to those who need them. Private and church schools educate better, for less money, than public educational institutions do. State universities are drowning in their own bureaucracy. And the list goes on. Only in the military, police, and firefighting services—with their extraordinary standards of martial discipline, self-sacrifice, unit cohesion and morale—does the public sector excel.
THE SIREN SINGS: Abandon the delusions of your religious faith. They are old, for a different time. You don’t need them anymore. Secular humanism has made them unnecessary. Turn away from the spurious rituals and the false security they offer. Embrace the real security of a committed community led by enlightened experts.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: We each have a God-sized hole in our hearts and souls. Without faith, some people turn to addiction; others lose themselves in narcissism. Some become workaholics, others compulsive gamblers, and still others status-seekers who make the acquisition of material goods their own yardstick in life. Where religion falters, self-involvement takes the place of child-rearing, and birth rates drop. Values decline—and an increase in crime, sexually transmitted disease, and suicide are the result.
THE SIREN SINGS: You don’t really need your democracy anymore. Let us experts run things. We know better than you what you need and we have the knowledge to get it for you. Turn away from the cantankerous politics of shrill debate. Trust those who act with benign knowledge of what is best for you.
BUT REALITY ANSWERS: The experts covet power, and power corrupts them as easily as it does anyone else. Bureaucracies become obsessed with self-perpetuation and soon lose sight of the populations they are supposed to serve. They develop cozy relationships with the power brokers in big companies to form a consortium of business and government to control our lives. It is only through democracy that we can fight their tyranny.
Pre-order a signed copy by clicking HERE.
Go to to read all of Dick's columns! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Friday, April 9, 2010
You Know and I Know the Good that The Catholic Church has and will do for Mankind. Help Stop the Criticism!!!!

What has the the Workingman's Party done for the world
but genecide and slaughter of billions of innocents!!! Yet these
progressives and unknowing followers fault the Salvation of Mankind
because it is imperfect!! The Catholic Church was defined by Christ
as imperfect and the Catholic Church still strives to give Christ's
salvation. Humankind's imperfection is embodied in us all.
Christ became Man with the love of God to forgive us of our sinful
nature and give us the promise of eternal life through His Father's
forgiving nature.
The Workingman Party will not not forgive and happily kills
to replace any God like notions of the populice. Never has
Marxism done anything like the Catholic Church has done for
the suffering and poor. Friends of the Workingman Party are
but genecide and slaughter of billions of innocents!!! Yet these
progressives and unknowing followers fault the Salvation of Mankind
because it is imperfect!! The Catholic Church was defined by Christ
as imperfect and the Catholic Church still strives to give Christ's
salvation. Humankind's imperfection is embodied in us all.
Christ became Man with the love of God to forgive us of our sinful
nature and give us the promise of eternal life through His Father's
forgiving nature.
The Workingman Party will not not forgive and happily kills
to replace any God like notions of the populice. Never has
Marxism done anything like the Catholic Church has done for
the suffering and poor. Friends of the Workingman Party are
at least they’re not in your kids' classrooms

Bergen County representatives of the state teachers union have ratcheted up the campaign against Governor Christie’s agenda in a fiery memo that encourages members to “get some dirt” and “go public,” and adds the education commissioner to the “attack list.”
But it’s the memo’s closing “prayer” that is sure to ignite controversy:
“Dear Lord … this year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farrah Fawcett, my favorite singer, Michael Jackson, and my favorite salesman, Billy Mays. … I just wanted to let you know that Chris Christie is my favorite governor.”
The memo, sent to locals in the county earlier this week and obtained by The Record on Thursday, is signed by New Jersey Education Association field representatives, including Joe Coppola, president of the Bergen County Education Association.
(Hat tip: Jim Geraghty)
Say what you will about tea parties, at least they’re not in your kids' classrooms.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
a range of consequences

. If the Democrats win, we lay out a range of consequences that, while prescient, are truly horrific. They take the current damage Obama has done to our economy to new levels of mayhem including:
Permanently high levels of unemployment
Inflation deliberately caused by a government that sees de facto currency devaluation as the only way to pay down the deficit
Erosion of the supply of doctors so more and more medical care comes from physicians’ assistants and nurse practioners
The replacement of the dollar by SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) issued by the IMF as international currency
The total collapse of our domestic manufacturing base
Permanently high levels of unemployment
Inflation deliberately caused by a government that sees de facto currency devaluation as the only way to pay down the deficit
Erosion of the supply of doctors so more and more medical care comes from physicians’ assistants and nurse practioners
The replacement of the dollar by SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) issued by the IMF as international currency
The total collapse of our domestic manufacturing base
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
It wasn’t until impeachment
Published on on April 7, 2010
Stanley Greenberg and James Carville claim that the Republican Party has peaked too soon. Incredibly, Greenberg says “when we look back on this, we’re going to say Massachusetts is when 1994 happened.” Stan’s only claim to expertise in the 1994 elections, of course, is that he’s the guy who blew it for the Democrats. Right after that, President Clinton fired both of the flawed consultants and never brought them back again.
Now,their latest pitch is that the highpoint of the GOP advance was the Scott Brown election and that, from here on, things will “improve slightly” for the Democrats.
Once again, Carville and Greenberg are totally misreading the public mood. Each time the Republican activists battle, they become stronger. Their cyber and grass roots grow deeper. The negatives that attach to so-called “moderate” Democratic incumbents increase. And each time Obama, Reid and Pelosi defy public opinion and use their majorities to ram through unpopular legislation, frustration and anger rises.
Were Obama’s ambitions to slacken, perhaps a cooling off might eventuate. But soon the socialist financial takeover bill will come on the agenda, followed by amnesty for illegal immigrants, cap and trade, and card check unionization. Each bill will trigger its own mobilization of public opposition and add to the swelling coalition of opposition to Obama and his radical agenda.
And, all the while, the deficit will increase, interest rates will rise, and unemployment will remain high.
Meanwhile, the political process will generate more and more strong Republican challengers. We have yet to see if former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin or Dino Rossi of Washington State will emerge to challenge Senators Feingold and Murray. Better House candidates will decide to capitalize on the momentum and will jump into the race and Republican donors will come out of hiding, their efforts catalyzed by the growing optimism about GOP chances.
Presaging the Republican sweep that looms ahead, is the shift in the party ratings on various issues. Rasmussen has the Republicans ahead by 49-37 on the economy and 53-37 on health care. His likely voter poll shows GOP leads on every major issue area: national security (49-37), Iraq (47-39), Education (43-30), Immigration (47-34), Social Security (48-36), and Taxes (52-34).
When Republicans are winning issues like education, healthy care, and social security – normally solidly Democratic issues – a sweep of unimaginable proportions is in the offing.
Will the rise in economic growth and job creation – if they continue -- offset the Republican gains? Not very likely. Remember Bill Clinton’s 1994 experience. Even though the recession had officially ended in the quarter before he took office and he proudly pointed to five million new jobs that had been created during the first two years of his presidency, Clinton got no bounce from the jobs issue or the economy. Even in the election of 1996, the economy was only marginally a source of strength for the Democratic president. It wasn’t until impeachment that the job growth that had been ongoing since he took office began to work heavily in his favor with the public. The hangover from a recession, certainly from one a violent as this, lasts a long time. A very long time.
And all this assumes that things will, indeed, improve. Worries about inflation loom large and concerns that higher taxes and interest rates will trigger a new downturn also abound. As long as the deficit is as high as it is, there is no solid foundation for a sustained period of economic growth.
Finally, Obama is now responsible for health care in America. When premiums rise, it will be his fault. When coverage is denied, it will be on his watch. When Medicare cuts kick in, it will be Obama who gets the blame.
Carville's last book touted "forty more years of Democrats." Now he dreams of a loss of “only” 25 seats in the House and “six or seven” Senators. But these are pipe dreams. Republicans will gain more than fifty House seats and at least ten in the Senate, enough to take control in both Houses. That’s reality.
Published on on April 7, 2010
Stanley Greenberg and James Carville claim that the Republican Party has peaked too soon. Incredibly, Greenberg says “when we look back on this, we’re going to say Massachusetts is when 1994 happened.” Stan’s only claim to expertise in the 1994 elections, of course, is that he’s the guy who blew it for the Democrats. Right after that, President Clinton fired both of the flawed consultants and never brought them back again.
Now,their latest pitch is that the highpoint of the GOP advance was the Scott Brown election and that, from here on, things will “improve slightly” for the Democrats.
Once again, Carville and Greenberg are totally misreading the public mood. Each time the Republican activists battle, they become stronger. Their cyber and grass roots grow deeper. The negatives that attach to so-called “moderate” Democratic incumbents increase. And each time Obama, Reid and Pelosi defy public opinion and use their majorities to ram through unpopular legislation, frustration and anger rises.
Were Obama’s ambitions to slacken, perhaps a cooling off might eventuate. But soon the socialist financial takeover bill will come on the agenda, followed by amnesty for illegal immigrants, cap and trade, and card check unionization. Each bill will trigger its own mobilization of public opposition and add to the swelling coalition of opposition to Obama and his radical agenda.
And, all the while, the deficit will increase, interest rates will rise, and unemployment will remain high.
Meanwhile, the political process will generate more and more strong Republican challengers. We have yet to see if former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin or Dino Rossi of Washington State will emerge to challenge Senators Feingold and Murray. Better House candidates will decide to capitalize on the momentum and will jump into the race and Republican donors will come out of hiding, their efforts catalyzed by the growing optimism about GOP chances.
Presaging the Republican sweep that looms ahead, is the shift in the party ratings on various issues. Rasmussen has the Republicans ahead by 49-37 on the economy and 53-37 on health care. His likely voter poll shows GOP leads on every major issue area: national security (49-37), Iraq (47-39), Education (43-30), Immigration (47-34), Social Security (48-36), and Taxes (52-34).
When Republicans are winning issues like education, healthy care, and social security – normally solidly Democratic issues – a sweep of unimaginable proportions is in the offing.
Will the rise in economic growth and job creation – if they continue -- offset the Republican gains? Not very likely. Remember Bill Clinton’s 1994 experience. Even though the recession had officially ended in the quarter before he took office and he proudly pointed to five million new jobs that had been created during the first two years of his presidency, Clinton got no bounce from the jobs issue or the economy. Even in the election of 1996, the economy was only marginally a source of strength for the Democratic president. It wasn’t until impeachment that the job growth that had been ongoing since he took office began to work heavily in his favor with the public. The hangover from a recession, certainly from one a violent as this, lasts a long time. A very long time.
And all this assumes that things will, indeed, improve. Worries about inflation loom large and concerns that higher taxes and interest rates will trigger a new downturn also abound. As long as the deficit is as high as it is, there is no solid foundation for a sustained period of economic growth.
Finally, Obama is now responsible for health care in America. When premiums rise, it will be his fault. When coverage is denied, it will be on his watch. When Medicare cuts kick in, it will be Obama who gets the blame.
Carville's last book touted "forty more years of Democrats." Now he dreams of a loss of “only” 25 seats in the House and “six or seven” Senators. But these are pipe dreams. Republicans will gain more than fifty House seats and at least ten in the Senate, enough to take control in both Houses. That’s reality.
Who will be Civilian MIlitia?

I'm thinging amesty for aliens, and next will it be amnesty for convicts to serve in
Obama's civilian militia to protect us and disarm our private weapons? Hmmmm?
Convicted murderers come as Obama militia to take our private weapons? Hmm..
I object! ... but it is now law in Obamacare that armed healthcare new hires will enforce Obama's wilfulness!!........Shades of Hitlers Gestapo!~!!!! KGB?
Obama's civilian militia to protect us and disarm our private weapons? Hmmmm?
Convicted murderers come as Obama militia to take our private weapons? Hmm..
I object! ... but it is now law in Obamacare that armed healthcare new hires will enforce Obama's wilfulness!!........Shades of Hitlers Gestapo!~!!!! KGB?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
.Obama's Private Army now law. Hidden in health care bill
March 31, 2010 — I know it's FOX News, but it is the substance that counts here. Remember Obama saying that we need a "civilian army that is just as well trained and funded as the military"? Well, here it is. Tucked away in the middle of the over 2,000 page health care monstrosity that nobody in congress bothered to even read.
This is not just an expansion of the National Guard, no. This is a private health corp. that is to be trained by the military and will be under the direct command of the president. This is nothing short of tyranny and fascism, but many of the kool-aid drinkers will find a way to justify and defend this as well, despite the fact that it is in direct violation of the law that their beloved president took oath to uphold.
I mean, come on. What do we need a private health care enforcement core for? What the hell does the military have to do with health care? Is it not enough that you are going to be MANDATED to by health care under the threat of penalty? Use your brains and for god's sake...WAKE UP, people. This is not about republicans vs democrats. It is about WRONG VS RIGHT.
March 31, 2010 — I know it's FOX News, but it is the substance that counts here. Remember Obama saying that we need a "civilian army that is just as well trained and funded as the military"? Well, here it is. Tucked away in the middle of the over 2,000 page health care monstrosity that nobody in congress bothered to even read.
This is not just an expansion of the National Guard, no. This is a private health corp. that is to be trained by the military and will be under the direct command of the president. This is nothing short of tyranny and fascism, but many of the kool-aid drinkers will find a way to justify and defend this as well, despite the fact that it is in direct violation of the law that their beloved president took oath to uphold.
I mean, come on. What do we need a private health care enforcement core for? What the hell does the military have to do with health care? Is it not enough that you are going to be MANDATED to by health care under the threat of penalty? Use your brains and for god's sake...WAKE UP, people. This is not about republicans vs democrats. It is about WRONG VS RIGHT.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Most Important Video Of America's Existance!!!
Here is the address above to watch the most important video of America's Existance!!
Censorship of Glen Beck? Why? Allow this? No Way?
I don't have the video you need about the Censorship of Glen Beck(See Recap of glen on april 5th when available on web). Is free speech dead?. He quoates and show videos of Marxist. No one denies they are not true!; yet he is to be censor for providing truthful quoates and videos. He says millions of us will carry on the truths he has presented.
He is not the only leader. " We the People" will question with boldness, hold to the truth &
speak without fear when and if he is silence by Marxist. We must must vote in unison to elect people that will limit terms of office and reduce the size and agenda of government!!!
What you missed was the 5pm show on fox news today, Monday April 5th I"ll send the address to you when available however you should know it by now. The Gestapo type of censorship is just the beginning. Obamas civilian miltia
someday will shoot and kill someones neighbor who refuses to give his personal weapon to Obama's militia. Think now what your reaction will be to this senario. If it gets to this point,
what recourse will be left to resist and or change the state of affairs!!! ?
Our united voting effort will bring back our Founders America!
Unite in every organization that will bring this change! NRA is
only one to speak of!
Pass this on!!!!
He is not the only leader. " We the People" will question with boldness, hold to the truth &
speak without fear when and if he is silence by Marxist. We must must vote in unison to elect people that will limit terms of office and reduce the size and agenda of government!!!
What you missed was the 5pm show on fox news today, Monday April 5th I"ll send the address to you when available however you should know it by now. The Gestapo type of censorship is just the beginning. Obamas civilian miltia
someday will shoot and kill someones neighbor who refuses to give his personal weapon to Obama's militia. Think now what your reaction will be to this senario. If it gets to this point,
what recourse will be left to resist and or change the state of affairs!!! ?
Our united voting effort will bring back our Founders America!
Unite in every organization that will bring this change! NRA is
only one to speak of!
Pass this on!!!!
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