ObamaCare Imposes $2.5 Trillion In New Taxes
ALERT: 25 percent of Americans earning $200,000 a year would see their taxes rise under ObamaCare. An analysis by former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin reveals that Obama has lied again by pushing massive tax increases on every American, breaking his campaign promise not to raise taxes. The latest CBO report details Obama's 10 year tax scheme - Punish Americans with new taxes for the first four years with no healthcare benefits and cuts in Medicare to Seniors.
TELL ALL 261 Democrat/Independent Representatives, Blue Dog Democrats AND President Obama To KILL THIS BILL and CUT HealthCare COSTS FIRST.
The Facts Pelosi Does NOT Want You To Know: ObamaCare puts 7 percent of Americans on a government subsidy to help pay for mandatory health insurance.
ObamaCare raises taxes on 25 percent of those earning under $200,000 a year.
ObamaCare raises taxes on three middle-class families to pay for every family receiving a government subsidy.
ObamaCare excludes 93 percent of Americans who are NOT eligible for a tax benefit under the bill.
Tax and hurt seniors by taking $500 Billion from Medicare.
The Facts Pelosi Does NOT Want You To Know:75% of Americans polled by CNN reject it. Pelosi says - JUST PASS THE BILL THEN YOU CAN READ WHAT'S IN IT! Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah), said "At a time when people are struggling and we are trying to shore up our fragile economy, we should not be punishing middle-class families with higher taxes."
Democrats are attacking anybody that dares to stop Obama's extreme quest to destroy healthcare in America. Rejecting sensible ideas, not starting over, feeding on the members of their own party and when all else fails Obama, Pelosi and Reid have become true dictators as they lie, cheat and deal. Obama is defying the public to ram ObamaCare into law at any cost betraying America and this is not the change we are looking for. TELL ALL 261 Democrat/Independent Representatives, Blue Dog Democrats AND President Obama To KILL THIS BILL and CUT HealthCare COSTS FIRST.
When All Else Fails Lie, Cheat & Deal
Shamefully, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are using strong arm tactics and are buying votes with empty promises to House Democrats. They say they will change the bill after passage to remove special deals to individual states, cut healthcare costs, save Medicare benefits and include government run healthcare with the public option. Pelosi has told Democrats that they should sacrifice their own re-election if necessary so that Obama can get his way. Democrats owe their loyalty to the people who elect them not to the leaders of the DNC? True democrats - regardless of party - understand that they are not in office to fulfill their own wishes. They are there as the representatives of the people. They must stand up to do the right thing and protect all Americans. Democrats who choose to follow Obama and Pelosi, in defiance of their constituents, are showing a true lack of character and should be removed from office.House Democrats and Republicans must stop Pelosi and Reid from using a slick budget process that requires the House to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare without changes.
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