As more mainstream Americans see what is behind the Obama agenda, they realize how dangerous it is to our nation - an agenda driven by the writings of a man who hated America, Saul Alinsky. In the short time Obama has been in power, we've witnessed:
• The virtual bankruptcy of our economy. The deficit is at $2 trillion and rising with the overwhelming majority of the money spent to grow the federal government.
• More than 35 "Czars" controlling billions of dollars and making management decisions about everything from our auto industry to "green" jobs to urban development. These Czars answer to no one but Barack Obama!
• A maniacal attempt to socialize our health care! Contrary to his stylish rhetoric, the Obama plan will put private insurers out of business and put bureaucrats in charge of our health care. Anyone who has stood in line at the Post Office or waited in a security line at an airport has had a glimpse of a future with government-controlled health care.
• Raising our taxes. Obama’s first budget will consume 28% of the entire GDP! 28%! He plans to repeal the Bush tax cuts, raise income taxes, the capital gains tax and block the repeal of the estate tax (death tax) for the sake of "morality," he said. But there is nothing moral about taking more and more of your family’s income to feed his socialist agenda.
We've identified six more points in our newspaper ad. Each action designed to undercut our independence and, just as you'll learn from the booklet, adhere to Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, his "how to" book on destroying America.
As I've said on the Glenn Beck show and places where I've spoken in recent months: This isn't like four bad years of Jimmy Carter or even eight years of Bill Clinton. This is the systematic transformation of our nation from an open, capitalist society, to a Big Brother-type socialist nation. We must stop it. Now. Thank you so much for your time.
David Horowitz
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