We join a World Govt. and pay up big time for being so bad on climate chamge. It's only fair!!!!
It's just a treaty until Our Congress appprove it.!!!!! fines, penalties and governance.
The Age of Obama!!!
MIT study finds there is no global warming anything like what Gore Says!!!!!
Lord Monktown of Endland has proof.!
Friday, October 30, 2009
There's a Communist Revolution going on...........
A letter to a friend..Don I will forward this on. However there are bigger problems. There is a Communist Revolution going on right in frontof Congress and the American people. Some of Congress know and some Americans know. Obama doesn't denyanything. He just avoids exposing it as something bad. To first the control of the media an...d... replace freedom of speechwith his propanganda is just a start. Fox news Glen Beck has the proof in videos that will not be answered byThe White House. Please watch at least the latest Glen Beck expose at this link
A letter to a friend..Don I will forward this on. However there are bigger problems. There is a Communist Revolution going on right in frontof Congress and the American people. Some of Congress know and some Americans know. Obama doesn't denyanything. He just avoids exposing it as something bad. To first the control of the media an...d... replace freedom of speechwith his propanganda is just a start. Fox news Glen Beck has the proof in videos that will not be answered byThe White House. Please watch at least the latest Glen Beck expose at this link
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Harry Reid, D-Nev., is leaning strongly toward an opt-out public option.

A proposal for the public option that is gaining wide support would allow states to choose not to participate in a government-run insurance program, said New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat. The "opt out" proposal is drawing support from many liberal and moderate senators and less opposition from lawmakers wary of government insurance, he said.
Schumer said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is leaning strongly toward an opt-out public option. Reid, who would make the final decision about bringing legislation to the Senate for a vote, led a delegation of Democrats to the White House on Thursday to discuss the issue with President Obama.
"opt out" proposal is drawing support from many liberal and moderate senators and less opposition from lawmakers wary of government insurance, he said.
lawmakers wary of government insurance, he said.
The lawmakers and Americans are wary of government! We don’t need more bureaucracy
And debt especially from community organizers-commies!!! Their view of nationalization
of everything must stop! They dream of changing the fundamentals (The Constitution ) ; step by step to
communisim. Power will shifted brick by brick to
The executive branch!!! We are wise to the Community
Organizer guise of transformation and you should be also!
No public option and no trigger. Op out must be out!
Schumer said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is leaning strongly toward an opt-out public option. Reid, who would make the final decision about bringing legislation to the Senate for a vote, led a delegation of Democrats to the White House on Thursday to discuss the issue with President Obama.
"opt out" proposal is drawing support from many liberal and moderate senators and less opposition from lawmakers wary of government insurance, he said.
lawmakers wary of government insurance, he said.
The lawmakers and Americans are wary of government! We don’t need more bureaucracy
And debt especially from community organizers-commies!!! Their view of nationalization
of everything must stop! They dream of changing the fundamentals (The Constitution ) ; step by step to
communisim. Power will shifted brick by brick to
The executive branch!!! We are wise to the Community
Organizer guise of transformation and you should be also!
No public option and no trigger. Op out must be out!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
the Obama agenda

As more mainstream Americans see what is behind the Obama agenda, they realize how dangerous it is to our nation - an agenda driven by the writings of a man who hated America, Saul Alinsky. In the short time Obama has been in power, we've witnessed:
• The virtual bankruptcy of our economy. The deficit is at $2 trillion and rising with the overwhelming majority of the money spent to grow the federal government.
• More than 35 "Czars" controlling billions of dollars and making management decisions about everything from our auto industry to "green" jobs to urban development. These Czars answer to no one but Barack Obama!
• A maniacal attempt to socialize our health care! Contrary to his stylish rhetoric, the Obama plan will put private insurers out of business and put bureaucrats in charge of our health care. Anyone who has stood in line at the Post Office or waited in a security line at an airport has had a glimpse of a future with government-controlled health care.
• Raising our taxes. Obama’s first budget will consume 28% of the entire GDP! 28%! He plans to repeal the Bush tax cuts, raise income taxes, the capital gains tax and block the repeal of the estate tax (death tax) for the sake of "morality," he said. But there is nothing moral about taking more and more of your family’s income to feed his socialist agenda.
We've identified six more points in our newspaper ad. Each action designed to undercut our independence and, just as you'll learn from the booklet, adhere to Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, his "how to" book on destroying America.
As I've said on the Glenn Beck show and places where I've spoken in recent months: This isn't like four bad years of Jimmy Carter or even eight years of Bill Clinton. This is the systematic transformation of our nation from an open, capitalist society, to a Big Brother-type socialist nation. We must stop it. Now. Thank you so much for your time.
David Horowitz
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Glen Beck Exposes all Communist Talk!!!!!!!!Anita!!!!
Do not Just Watch Anita watch them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Watch the video below.... don't miss it!
then look at this article not as good AS VIDEO
then look at this article not as good AS VIDEO
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The U.S. dollar is going the way of the Mexican peso:
Special Message for Newsmax Readers . . . The U.S. dollar is going the way of the Mexican peso: down! More than $10 trillion in government spending is triggering a sudden and massive devaluation. The TARP chief told Congress the federal bailout will now total over $23 trillion! That would be over $70,000 per person. But if you act fast, you can protect your life savings from 1970s-style mega-inflation . . . and you could DOUBLE your money . . . Find out how you can get our latest FREE special issue of the Financial Intelligence Report on growing wealthy in the coming dollar wipeout. Secret Government Plan
To Devalue the Dollar Could
Wipe Out Your Life Savings! Unbeknown to most investors, the Obama administration is planning quietly to devalue the U.S. dollar even MORE. The decision has been made . . . and it’s working. Obama adviser Warren Buffett accidentally revealed in a recent CNBC interview what the Administration REALLY has planned all along. Buffett told the interviewer that the United States will do whatevery other country has done when faced with huge obligations
and decreasing revenues — inflate (devalue) the currency! The reason is simple.The Democrats have waited nearly 30 years, ever since Ronald Reagan was elected, to begin spending money on social programs again.They’re not about to let a global economic wipeout stand in their way. Deliberately devaluing the U.S. dollar will make U.S. government debt obligations less onerous, American exports relatively cheap, and rally the stock market. There is only one problem with their plan! By causing inflation to soar, it will wipe out the life savings of generations . . . and destroy the U.S. economy for decades to come . . . Dollar Devaluation Is a Done Deal That’s why we’ve prepared a special issue of the Financial Intelligence Report called "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know."It could end up being the most important economic report you’ll read this year. This special report gives you the inside details on what the world’s most famous economists and financial experts expect to happen in the coming six months.You’ll discover . . . Eight reasons why the global recovery will be stopped dead in its tracks in the United States . . . Why certain rising commodity prices are the canary in the mine shaft when it comes to inflation . . . What Obama’s plans to nationalize U.S. healthcare will do to the U.S. dollar
• The REAL reason why interest rates have been rising despite everything the government tries . . . Why you have to become a global investor to survive the coming dollar devaluation . . . How Wall Street’s "bandit capitalism" is leading to "bandit socialism" . . . What will happen when China and other foreign investors stop buying U.S. debt . . . The reason why inflation is inevitable — and the steps you must take, right now, to prepare for it . . . The Destruction of the Dollar,
And Your Portfolio, Has Started
• When the market crashed more than 18 months ago, the dollar strengthened significantly. Investors worldwide fled to the greenback. Hundreds of billions of poured into the United States.
• But all that ended quickly when Barack Obama took office.
• Once Obama and congressional Democrats began handing out trillions of dollars in bailouts and posting record deficits, the confidence of world investors was badly shaken. The value of the U.S. dollar began plunging.
• Since taking office, the Obama administration has increased the monetary base by a staggering $10 trillion (see chart below). In less than a year, it managed to DOUBLE the expected annual budget deficit to almost $2 trillion.
• The result was predictable: The stock market rallied . . . but the once mighty dollar has PLUNGED against foreign currencies.
• That’s WHY Warren Buffett, for the first time ever, shifted more than 20 percent of Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio outside the country and into non-dollar assets.
• This estimate does not include companies he holds, such as Coca-Cola, that draw huge portions of their earnings from abroad.
To Devalue the Dollar Could
Wipe Out Your Life Savings! Unbeknown to most investors, the Obama administration is planning quietly to devalue the U.S. dollar even MORE. The decision has been made . . . and it’s working. Obama adviser Warren Buffett accidentally revealed in a recent CNBC interview what the Administration REALLY has planned all along. Buffett told the interviewer that the United States will do whatevery other country has done when faced with huge obligations
and decreasing revenues — inflate (devalue) the currency! The reason is simple.The Democrats have waited nearly 30 years, ever since Ronald Reagan was elected, to begin spending money on social programs again.They’re not about to let a global economic wipeout stand in their way. Deliberately devaluing the U.S. dollar will make U.S. government debt obligations less onerous, American exports relatively cheap, and rally the stock market. There is only one problem with their plan! By causing inflation to soar, it will wipe out the life savings of generations . . . and destroy the U.S. economy for decades to come . . . Dollar Devaluation Is a Done Deal That’s why we’ve prepared a special issue of the Financial Intelligence Report called "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know."It could end up being the most important economic report you’ll read this year. This special report gives you the inside details on what the world’s most famous economists and financial experts expect to happen in the coming six months.You’ll discover . . . Eight reasons why the global recovery will be stopped dead in its tracks in the United States . . . Why certain rising commodity prices are the canary in the mine shaft when it comes to inflation . . . What Obama’s plans to nationalize U.S. healthcare will do to the U.S. dollar
• The REAL reason why interest rates have been rising despite everything the government tries . . . Why you have to become a global investor to survive the coming dollar devaluation . . . How Wall Street’s "bandit capitalism" is leading to "bandit socialism" . . . What will happen when China and other foreign investors stop buying U.S. debt . . . The reason why inflation is inevitable — and the steps you must take, right now, to prepare for it . . . The Destruction of the Dollar,
And Your Portfolio, Has Started
• When the market crashed more than 18 months ago, the dollar strengthened significantly. Investors worldwide fled to the greenback. Hundreds of billions of poured into the United States.
• But all that ended quickly when Barack Obama took office.
• Once Obama and congressional Democrats began handing out trillions of dollars in bailouts and posting record deficits, the confidence of world investors was badly shaken. The value of the U.S. dollar began plunging.
• Since taking office, the Obama administration has increased the monetary base by a staggering $10 trillion (see chart below). In less than a year, it managed to DOUBLE the expected annual budget deficit to almost $2 trillion.
• The result was predictable: The stock market rallied . . . but the once mighty dollar has PLUNGED against foreign currencies.
• That’s WHY Warren Buffett, for the first time ever, shifted more than 20 percent of Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio outside the country and into non-dollar assets.
• This estimate does not include companies he holds, such as Coca-Cola, that draw huge portions of their earnings from abroad.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Not enough people are aware to stop the transformation.
Not enough people are aware to stop the transformation. You and others will only believe when our present govt. is gone and the Age of Community Communism begins. Crisis then Communism.Watch below...........
Not enough people are aware to stop the transformation. You and others will only believe when our present govt. is gone and the Age of Community Communism begins. Crisis then Communism.Watch below...........
Listen to your constituents, OR GET EVICTED!
this Declaration of Eviction will send a clear message to Congress and The President: Listen to your constituents, OR GET EVICTED!
Here are the Nine Grievances we've listed in the Declaration of Eviction:
•You have broken your contract with America by violating your oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States by expanding the powers of the Government in exchange for our God-given Liberties.
•You have ignored the pleas of the majority of Americans by forcing a takeover of our private health care industry and exchanging it for a bureaucratic nightmare.
•You are attempting to control our economy by empowering "Pay Czars" to regulate the income of workers.
•You are increasing taxes on small business owners, the life blood of our free economy, while bailing out the banking industry.
•You are overstepping your Constitutional Boundaries by agreeing with this present Administration to seize control of private industries, such as banking, automobile manufacturing, and health care.
•You have jeopardized the international value of our currency with deficit spending.
•You have failed to secure our national defense by refusing to tap the vast natural resources within our own borders and off our own shores.
•You have punished citizens and private business establishments with further regulation with hysteria and false claims of "climate change".
•You have borrowed against our children's future for political gain today
this Declaration of Eviction will send a clear message to Congress and The President: Listen to your constituents, OR GET EVICTED!
Here are the Nine Grievances we've listed in the Declaration of Eviction:
•You have broken your contract with America by violating your oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States by expanding the powers of the Government in exchange for our God-given Liberties.
•You have ignored the pleas of the majority of Americans by forcing a takeover of our private health care industry and exchanging it for a bureaucratic nightmare.
•You are attempting to control our economy by empowering "Pay Czars" to regulate the income of workers.
•You are increasing taxes on small business owners, the life blood of our free economy, while bailing out the banking industry.
•You are overstepping your Constitutional Boundaries by agreeing with this present Administration to seize control of private industries, such as banking, automobile manufacturing, and health care.
•You have jeopardized the international value of our currency with deficit spending.
•You have failed to secure our national defense by refusing to tap the vast natural resources within our own borders and off our own shores.
•You have punished citizens and private business establishments with further regulation with hysteria and false claims of "climate change".
•You have borrowed against our children's future for political gain today
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
America's Paradigm Shift-Marxism Via Obama
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Congressmen Copy and paste link in browser please
Jeff Jones is why you are watching this. He is a major player (Started The weather
underground) in helping Obama's plan to a marxist takeover of our government.
Just watch for 2mins. and save our country.
Jeff Jones is why you are watching this. He is a major player (Started The weather
underground) in helping Obama's plan to a marxist takeover of our government.
Just watch for 2mins. and save our country.
Hi Congreemen Please Double click on link below
Jeff Jones is why you are watching this. He is a major player (Started The weather
underground) in helping Obama's plan to a marxist takeover of our government.
Just watch for 2mins. and save our country.
Jeff Jones is why you are watching this. He is a major player (Started The weather
underground) in helping Obama's plan to a marxist takeover of our government.
Just watch for 2mins. and save our country.
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