Thursday, September 16, 2010

UN To Confiscate All Privately Owned Firearms!

Please fax all senators!

[Sen.] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]Washington, DC

RE: UN To Confiscate All Privately Owned Firearms!
Dear [Sen.] [LAST NAME]:

I'm writing to ask you to REJECT ANY Anti-Gun agreements and Protect the Second Amendment against the anti-gun United Nations Arms Trade Treaty and ANY "gun ban" agreement to repeal the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
I the undersigned, as a citizen of the United States, do hereby demand that you vote "NO" on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
The Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote the Second Amendment -- they were giving the people the right to defend themselves against all threats -- including the threat of an oppressive government at the State and Federal level.
The treaty calls for tougher licensing requirements. That means everyday, law-abiding Americans will be subjected to even more bogus bureaucracy to obtain a firearm. It is unfathomable that regular citizens would be treated just like the criminals the treaty claims to protect us from. The Arms Trade Treaty will hijack and destroy all weapons that are classified as “unauthorized.” What exactly classifies a firearm as "unauthorized" is up to the liberal gun-haters. The treaty will ban the trade, sale, and private ownership of most semi-automatic weapons. Clinton, Obama and their anti-liberty cohorts are also calling for an INTERNATIONAL GUN REGISTRY that would pave the way to eventually disarming every American citizen.
If history is an accurate guide, banning guns would only embolden criminals and encourage crime, leaving Americans defenseless and allow the uncontrolled and unacceptable to happen, making family security even worse than it is now.
Further, The UN Arms Trade Treaty would be impossible to administer and even more unlikely to be enforced. Gun control is about government controlling the people - NOT about making people safe.

That's what's at stake here. Our freedom. Our future.
The most important job you have to do right now is to protect U.S. citizens Second Amendment rights.

This issue is BLACK OR WHITE - there are NO "shades of gray." We need you to protect Americans and their Right to Bear Arms. REJECT ANY anti-freedom agreements and Protect the Second Amendment against the anti-gun United Nations firearms Ban.

I will be watching your vote on this issue very closely. Thank you.



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Obama's War on America's Seniors

Obama's War on America's Seniors
By Peter Ferrara on 9.15.10 @ 6:09AM

Seniors citizens probably provided less support for President Obama in the 2008 election than any other voter bloc. That reflects the wisdom of age. But for President Obama, apparently it's payback time, because he is conducting a comprehensive economic assault on America's senior citizens.

First He Trashed Medicare

A Democrat campaign theme this fall is that those scary Republicans want to end Medicare as we know it. But that is not possible, because President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the Democrats have already done that, in Obamacare.

The Chief Actuary for Medicare has publicly reported that the Medicare payment rates for the doctors and hospitals serving seniors will be cut by 30% over the next 3 years. By 2019, those Medicare payment rates will be lower than under Medicaid, which leaves the poor often unable to find doctors and hospitals willing to serve them. Medicare's Chief Actuary reports that ultimately under Obamacare Medicare payment rates will be only one-third of what will be paid by private insurance and only half of what is paid by Medicaid. Good luck to Grandma in finding a doctor then.

If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep him, President Obama promised in trying to sell Obamacare to the nation. But the question under Medicare now, after Obamacare, is whether your doctor will be willing to keep you.

Last month's Annual Report of the Medicare Board of Trustees revealed that Obamacare's total cuts to Medicare run to over $1 trillion over the first 10 years of full implementation, and to nearly $5 trillion over the first 20 years. These are cuts for seniors who are already retired!

Ultimately, by the end of the Trustees' Report projection period, Medicare Part A is cut by 60%. Medicare Part B is cut by 43%. Translation: this means the end of Medicare as we know it.

These are all primarily cuts in Medicare payments to the doctors and hospitals for the services, health care, and treatments they provide to the nation's seniors. That includes hip and knee replacements, sophisticated diagnostics through MRIs and CT scans, treatment for cancer and heart disease, and the services and care from the specialists that keep seniors functional and alive. If the government is not going to pay, then seniors are not going to get the health services, treatment and care they expect.

Indeed, the Medicare Chief Actuary reports that even before these cuts two-thirds of hospitals were already losing money on Medicare patients. Health providers will either have to withdraw from serving Medicare patients, or eventually go into bankruptcy.

These draconian Medicare cuts were the basis for the CBO score repeatedly cited by President Obama that Obamacare would actually reduce the deficit while expanding or adopting three entitlement programs. Too bad the President never disclosed that in trying to sell Obamacare to the nation. Indeed, in his weekly radio address to the nation on August 14, it was these draconian Medicare cuts that President Obama was touting in lauding Obamacare for "adding at least a dozen years to the fiscal health of Medicare -- the single longest extension in history." (Only a dozen years because most of the money raided from Medicare is taken to finance Obamacare.) The President thinks he can play seniors for fools.

Obama's Medicare policy is like trying to maintain our national defense by refusing to pay the people who make the tanks, the planes, the ships, the guns, the bullets, and the bombs. How long do you think our national defense would last under that policy? The same goes for Medicare now under Obamacare.

Contrast this policy atrocity with the proposed reforms to Medicare under Rep. Paul Ryan's Roadmap for America. Ryan is the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee who will become the Committee Chairman after this fall's elections. The Congressional Budget Office has scored Ryan's Roadmap as achieving full and permanent solvency for Social Security, full and permanent solvency for Medicare, and a permanently balanced federal budget, without tax increases.

Ryan's Roadmap, which he fully explains in a website devoted entirely to the Roadmap, includes no cuts in Social Security or Medicare, or changes of any sort, for today's seniors. The reforms apply only to those who are under age 55 today. For those future retirees, he would reform Medicare into Medicare Advantage for everyone. Medicare Advantage is the option already existing under Medicare allowing seniors to choose private insurance coverage for their benefits under the program, which nearly one-fourth of seniors have already chosen because it gives them a better deal.

Just as in Medicare Advantage today, future seniors under Ryan's Roadmap would be able to use Medicare funds to choose from a wide range of private insurance options, including the highly beneficial and empowering Health Savings Accounts. The funding for these options would grow more slowly over time for higher income and healthier seniors, and so they would have to pay some more out of their pockets for the coverage. That is how the long-term Medicare financing gaps are closed and full solvency for Medicare achieved. Additional funding is provided, however, for low and modest income, and less healthy, seniors, so they are fully protected from any higher costs.

But this is too much filthy capitalism for President Obama, and his modern new socialist Democrats, so they wrongly trash it. But unlike Obamacare's wild and irresponsible Medicare cuts, this is a carefully designed and structured reform plan, which is far better for future seniors, taxpayers, and America.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hinchey would use the photo as a fundraising tool.

Scott StannardSeptember 14, 2010 at 4:19pm
Subject: Hinchey/Castro
Politicians do things that make you shake your head and ponder this question, what were they thinking? Case and point Congressman Maurice Hinchey. Hinchey traveled to the communist country of Cuba to try and end the trade embargo that the United States has on Cuba. Before I continue with the story let me give you some bio on what Fidel Castro has done to Cuba. Thousands of Cubans have died in front of Castro's infamous firing squad. Even before the triumph of the Revolution, Castro and his gang were prone to murder those who disagreed with them. A cop killer that was convicted of killing a New Jersey State Trooper escaped from prison and deflected to Cuba and Castro has refused to turn the prisoner over To the U.S. Cubans cannot watch or listen to independent, private, or foreign broadcasts. Cubans cannot read books, magazines or newspapers unless they have been approved/published by the government. And now the rest of the story. A fundraiser was held for Maurice Hinchey titled “Maurice Hinchey goes to Cuba”. The flier that was designed for the event depicted some photos of Hinchey’s trip to Cuba. One photo in particular that has sparked an outrage is a photo of Hinchey and Castro together. It’s appalling that a sitting member of the house of representatives would want their picture taken with one of the ruthless dictators of our time, but it’s simply outrageous that Hinchey would use the photo as a fundraising tool. Please help us get this story out.

Tea Party Express Celebrates Successful Primary Season

CONTACT: Levi Russell at (509) 979-6615 or via email at:

Tea Party Express Celebrates Successful Primary Season

The Tea Party Express celebrated another election victory tonight, marking the end to a very successful primary campaign season.

Below is a list of those who we’ve endorsed as ‘heroes’ or spent money.

The Tea Party Express also targeted a number of candidates who ultimately ended up losing/retiring. We launched a $250,000 “Defeat Bart Stupak” campaign and brought our Tea Party Express 3-bus convoy into his district with 6 tea party rallies in his congressional district (the most we’ve ever held in a politician’s district).

After spending $60,000 on radio and TV ads, Stupak announced his retirement, right while we were in the middle of a rally against him in Escanaba, MI (in the Upper Peninsula, and again in Stupak’s district). We announced we were targeting Arlen Specter, and produced a TV ad for Pat Toomey, and then Specter left the GOP and then lost in the Democrat Primary.

We also announced we were targeting Democrat Congressman Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, and he lost too. And most notably, beyond spending over $550,000 supporting Sharron Angle’s GOP primary campaign (launching it when she was at just 5% in the polls), we’ve also waged $500,000 campaign against Harry Reid and expect to spend at least several hundred thousand dollars more to defeat him too.

Here’s our Heroe’s list of the candidates we’ve endorsed – most of them big winners:

AK Joe Miller (R)
NV Sharron Angle (R)
DE Christine O’Donnell (R)
MA Scott Brown (R)
KY Rand Paul (R)
UT Mike Lee (R)
CA Chuck DeVore (R)
FL Marco Rubio (R)
KS Todd Tiahrt (R)
PA Pat Toomey (R)
SC Jim DeMint (R)

CA-4 Tom McClintock (R)
GA-6 Tom Price (R)
ID-1 Walt Minnick (D)
IN-6 Mike Pence (R)
MN-6 Michele Bachmann (R)
SC-2 Joe Wilson (R)
TN-7 Marsha Blackburn (R)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Should "Card Check" pass, this dangerous power grab

Should "Card Check" pass, this dangerous power grab would:
*** Force millions of additional working Americans to pay union dues under the threat of losing their jobs, filling Big Labor coffers with hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars;
*** Dramatically increase the wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda, slowdowns and bitter strikes that shut down businesses and destroy jobs, ensuring that even more plants are closed and more jobs are shipped overseas or lost forever;
*** Enable Big Labor to pump even more campaign cash into the coffers of its radical, tax and spend politicians like Barack Obama who, in turn, will look for even greater ways to increase the union bosses' forced-dues empire.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Biggest National Security Threat?

Our Biggest National Security Threat? Regnery Publishing to me
Barack Obama.

America's biggest national security threat is not a hostile foreign country, an international network, nor a renegade terrorist group—it's the president of the United States, Barack Obama.

Sounds unbelievable, but unfortunately it's true, says bestselling author and military analyst Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson in his shocking new book, Conduct Unbecoming.

Exposing how Obama's national security policies are weakening our military and endangering America's safety, Conduct Unbecoming reveals how Obama undermines America, retreats from leadership, consistently appeases our enemies, and even insults our allies—as well as our own military.

"History is repeating itself," says Patterson. "When I worked for President Clinton as his senior military aide, I saw the same shocking behavior towards our military, allies, and enemies. But Barack Obama's misconduct and dereliction of duty surpasses that of Clinton—and is putting us in graver danger."

In Conduct Unbecoming, you'll discover:
Why we can't win a war when we are unwilling to identify the enemy—the Pentagon and the Department of Defense's war reports don't even mention the word "Islam" or "Muslim"
How Obama's attempt to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is another example of the president ramming through an unwanted policy—a policy which could cripple our military
How Obama greatly weakened our national security and military—within only nine months of taking office—by announcing he would close Guantanamo Bay and stop the deployment of a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe
How Obama is employing the same failed foreign diplomacy tactics that Clinton and Carter used, and why these strategies, in an age of widespread terrorism, could lead to an outcome much worse than we saw in the 1990s and 1970s.
How Obama knows his "rules of engagement" in Afghanistan are ineffective and deadly
Shocking and controversial, Conduct Unbecoming proves that every move Obama makes as our Commander-in-Chief threatens America's national security and global strength. We must toughen up our foreign policies—and vote the current administration out office—before we become victims of another terrorist attack.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wisdom from Ronald Reagan

'Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have'

'Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement'

'Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty'

'Don't be afraid to see what you see'

'Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves'

'Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives'

'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it'

'How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin'

'I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting'

'If the Soviet Union let another political party come into existence, they would still be a one-party state, because everybody would join the other party'

'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first'

'Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15'

For two years Obama has taken our focus off of his transformation

For two years Obama has taken our focus off of his transformation, destruction of check and balances and the constitution, his collective salvation, and his unspoken desire to create his
dictatorship in name of tranformational change that is akin to Hitlers take over of Germany.
Indoctrinnation of the youth, creating a new history in textbooks, retoric and propagandizing
through the media........... Newt Gingrich , Dick Morris, Glenn Beck, Hannity, O'reilly and
so many other warn us about this deception of Obama with video and quotes that can't not
be disproven. We must ask other to beware of Obama deception and keep our focus
on voting out all of this progressive government. We must restore our Faith and Honor
exemplied by our Constitution and our founders values!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mike Castle is so liberal, he not only opposes the repeal of ObamaCare, but he was one of the last U.S. Senators to announce how he'd vote on ObamaCar

Ryan J. Gill - Tea Party Express to me

Fellow patriots - we wanted to give you a quick update on the fierce battle for the U.S. Senate seat in Delaware. This was the seat Joe Biden held, and we are DETERMINED to make sure that he is replaced in the Senate by a no-holds-barred constitutional conservative.

The problem we are running into is that the GOP establishment here is pulling out all the stops to help elect Liberal RINO Mike Castle. They say he has a better chance to win in November because of his liberal voting record (he voted for the bailouts, he voted for Cap & Trade, he voted for taxpayer funding of abortions and to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens).

Get this: Mike Castle is so liberal, he not only opposes the repeal of ObamaCare, but he was one of the last U.S. Senators to announce how he'd vote on ObamaCare because he was thinking of voting FOR it.

Mike Castle has about $2.5 million he can still spend. The only way we here at the Tea Party Express can feel confident to win this race is if we expand our own campaign activities, and that means buying ads on Philadelphia TV stations - some of the most expensive stations in the nation (because of the size of the audience they reach).

You see, to reach voters in northern Delaware, beyond just being on cable TV, radio stations, newspaper ads and direct mail, you simply HAVE to be on Philly TV. That's what everyone in the heavily populated northern part of the state watches, and that is where we will get the votes to win this race.

We're in the middle of a $200,000 MoneyBomb, and have done well so far, just crossing $50,000. But we're probably going to have to raise the goal so we can go do a heavy advertising buy on Philadelphia TV and radio stations. So we need your help, and the help of conservatives and tea party activists across the nation!

You can support the MoneyBomb by making a contribution -

But the silence from Congress is inexcusably deafening.

Governor Brewer is rightly taking a stand against Barack Obama's egregious attempt to place Arizona under the jurisdiction of dictators and despots on the United Nations Council on Human Rights for attempting to secure its border.

But the silence from Congress is inexcusably deafening.

That's why the time is now to send an unmistakable message to our elected officials in Washington. Now is the time to demand they take a stand... Either they support Governor Brewer, the people of Arizona and the overwhelming majority of Americans who support Arizona's efforts to secure its borders...

... Or, they support Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in their, as Governor Brewer recently put it, "downright offensive" inclusion of "the State of Arizona and S.B. 1070 in a report to the United Nations Council on Human Rights, whose members include such renowned human rights 'champions' as Cuba and Libya."

As columnist Michelle Malkin recently wrote on this issue: "The kowtowing commander-in-chief is in dire need of a daily reminder that his job is to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States' -- not international law or global diktats."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tax Dollars for Muslim Brotherhood Organizations?!?

Tax Dollars for
Muslim Brotherhood Organizations?!?

Dear Catherine,

First there was the Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf’s tax-funded trip to the Mideast.

Now this.

Coming August 31: ‘Direct Access’ Stimulus Grants for the Muslim Brotherhood
Posted by Christine Brim Aug 29th 2010 at 4:55 am

Think of it as ACORN reborn, with a slice of Jihad on the side.

On August 31, this coming Tuesday, the Muslim Brotherhood-associated “Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations” (CCMO) will bring 25-30 Muslim leaders of 20 national Muslim groups to attend a special workshop presented by the White House and U.S. Government agencies (Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services etc.) to provide the groups “funding, government assistance and resources.” The workshop will apparently provide special access for these Muslim Brotherhood organizations: the organizers pledge to provide “direct access” and “cut through red tape.” Government and Muslim groups will hold an Iftar dinner (breaking the fast of Ramadan) after the workshop.

The event was announced in an email newsletter sent August 27 by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism finance trial, long associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, the global Islamist network (great backgrounder here from Hudson Institute). Here are three key paragraphs from the email (the entire article on the August 31 event from the ISNA email is pasted below this post as reference):

This year, a phenomenal next step has been made where government iftars become coupled with workshops to provide resources and benefit the Muslim community. The US Department of Agriculture (DOA) and the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO) have paired the first of such events, scheduled for August 31, 2010.

…Leaders from Muslim organizations around the nation, particularly social service organizations, are invited to a workshop with representatives from the DOA, Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Health and Human Services, the White House, Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, and more. Twenty five to thirty Muslim leaders representing 20 Muslim organizations are expected to attend the workshop.

According to a representative of CCMO, this workshop is designed to clarify how Muslim nonprofits, mosques, Islamic centers, and social service organizations can strengthen their communities through more direct access to opportunities provided to social service agencies at the Federal level. “It will hopefully help cut through some of the red tape and shine light on the many opportunities for funding, government assistance, and resources that we just don’t know about at the local level,” said Elsanousi.

The Problem: Your Money, redistributed to the Muslim Brotherhood

This workshop constitutes an abdication of their professional responsibility by all government participants – and a taxpayer-funded government stimulus program for the attending Muslim Brotherhood-associated groups. The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, is a global Islamist political movement dedicated to imposing Shariah law on all nations and institutions. Their credo is “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

Why do we think some of these groups attending, possibly all, may be associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Because the sponsoring organization – the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO), co-sponsoring with the Department of Agriculture – has a long history of associations with the Muslim Brotherhood. They also signed a 2009 American Muslim Task Force statement threatening to “suspend” relations with the FBI, because the FBI was investigating possible links to homegrown terrorism in mosques and other Muslim organizations.

Not so evident on the current website, of course. This happens all the time with groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood – the current CCMO website has a LOT less information than the older ones preserved at (aka “The Wayback Machine”). Here are the previous websites for the CCMO from 2004-2008. The pre-whitewashed CCMO websites are highly revealing. They expose the degree to which this Administration intends to direct taxpayer money (and “reduced red tape”) to Muslim Brotherhood-associated organizations in the U.S.

The Administration has not revealed which 20 groups and 25-30 leaders will attend the special workshop, but if they include the 41 CCMO members listed in 2007, the attendees could include the following groups , which I’ve linked to descriptions published by The Investigative Project (please support their work):

The Islamic Society of North America, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Terrorism Finance trial, and the source of Friday’s email promoting this CCMO/Department of Agriculture Event;

The Council on American Islamic Relations, shunned by the FBI, several of its leaders indicted or convicted for terrorism, a possible violator of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, sued for fraud by Muslim, Hispanic and African-American families, named as an unindicted co-conspirator (CAIR fundraiser advertised at the CCMO site);

The International Institute of Islamic Thought , the “think tank” of the Muslim Brotherhood, described at that link by The Grand Jihad author and former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy. One of the current and longest serving officers of CCMO is Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, founder of the educational arm of IIIT, the Fairfax Institute and the Director of Outreach Program for Dar-ul Hijrah “Terror” Mosque – more on him below.

The Muslim Public Affairs Committee , exposed in that linked 88-page IPT report particularly for their defense of terrorists and terrorist financers. MPAC advertised here at the CCMO site for an event co-sponsored by Islamic Free Market Institute, the latter described in Paul Sperry’s pathbreaking book Infiltration)

The Dar al Hijrah Mosque (known as the “Terror Mosque” in Northern Virginia for its links to imprisoned, indicted or wanted terrorists as vividly described by Frank Gaffney), advertised here at the CCMO site.

The Muslim American Society “Freedom Foundation” run by three-time felon Mahdi Bray (MASFF Fundraiser advertised at the CCMO site). The Muslim American Society was originally founded as the U.S. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAS leader Mahdi Bray was elected on September 7, 2003 to the Executive Committee by over 40 CCMO member organizations.

I suggest that the Administration knows these groups are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. They think that’s a good thing.

This isn’t incompetence; it’s intentional.

(Click here to read the rest of this column)