Fellow Conservative, $5 billion is added to the debt every day as Washington borrows 43-cents out of every dollar it spends.
Help me rein in Democrats' spending.
With the national debt soaring past $13 trillion, 1-in-10 Americans out of work, and oil gushing out of the gulf, President Obama is traveling the country touting his trillion-dollar "stimulus" - the massive spending bill that gave us more debt, more government, and fewer jobs.
And despite the fact that the "stimulus" didn't work, he's pushing Congress to quickly approve yet another round of "stimulus" bailout money.
You and I both know that the last thing America needs is more "stimulus" or more bailouts. What we need is to cut government spending - now - and Republicans have the plans to do it.
Will you help me fight to cut government spending, get control of the debt, and help small businesses create new jobs by following this link and making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign before our June 30th FEC deadline?
A group of 100 economists say the best way - the only way - to really boost private sector growth and create new jobs is to immediately rein in federal spending.
But Democrats aren't listening. They're not even passing a budget this year, leaving out-of-control spending on auto-pilot with no plan, no discipline, and no accountability. The president's budget chief admits that trying to cut spending with a Democrat-led Congress is "fruitless."
Meanwhile, nearly $5 billion is added to the debt every day as Washington borrows 43-cents out of every dollar it spends. It's not only unsustainable, it's unfair - and wrong - to saddle our children and grandchildren with that kind of insurmountable debt.
We need to repeal jobs-killing, debt-driven laws like ObamaCare, rescind unspent "stimulus" money, and start making the tough choices Democrats refuse to make when it comes to spending.
That's why I'm turning to you today. I need your immediate financial support to help me continue leading the fight in Congress to cut government spending and stop the Democrats' jobs-killing agenda.
Our next FEC filing deadline is coming up on June 30th, so please follow this link right away and help my campaign head into the critical summer months on strong financial footing.
Thank you in advance for your support and for everything you do for our conservative cause.
John Boehner
House Republican Leader
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Urgent! We Need Help Against Harry Reid

http://www.americansfornewleadership.com/ Don't have regrets Latter!
Urgent! We Need Help Against Harry Reid
Go to Donate!
Reply Dick Morris Reports to me
Printer-Friendly Version
Dear Friend,
The campaign in Nevada to replace Harry Reid is in a desperate situation and needs your help right now!
Immediately after Sharron Angle, a committed conservative, won the Republican primary, Harry Reid's people put this vicious negative ad on the air. It takes a quote of Sharron's out of context to mislead voters into thinking that she means to "phase out" Social Security and Medicare. We have to answer immediately or we are toast!
Americans for New Leadership, a PAC in Nevada, filmed an effective answer but has, so far, been able only to raise $50,000 to air the commercial. Reid has $1 million behind his attack.
This is an example of Churchill's quote that "a lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth puts its shoes on in the morning."
Now, with Reid pushing for amnesty for illegal immigrants, it is especially important that we defeat him for re-election!
Please send the Americans for New Leadership a substantial donation immediately! (Unless you want six more years of Harry Reid).
Go here to send them funds.
Go here to see Reid's ad we have to rebut.
Go here to see the rebuttal ad we need to air.
Please answer our SOS!
Dick Morris
Urgent! We Need Help Against Harry Reid
Go to Donate!
Reply Dick Morris Reports to me
Printer-Friendly Version
Dear Friend,
The campaign in Nevada to replace Harry Reid is in a desperate situation and needs your help right now!
Immediately after Sharron Angle, a committed conservative, won the Republican primary, Harry Reid's people put this vicious negative ad on the air. It takes a quote of Sharron's out of context to mislead voters into thinking that she means to "phase out" Social Security and Medicare. We have to answer immediately or we are toast!
Americans for New Leadership, a PAC in Nevada, filmed an effective answer but has, so far, been able only to raise $50,000 to air the commercial. Reid has $1 million behind his attack.
This is an example of Churchill's quote that "a lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth puts its shoes on in the morning."
Now, with Reid pushing for amnesty for illegal immigrants, it is especially important that we defeat him for re-election!
Please send the Americans for New Leadership a substantial donation immediately! (Unless you want six more years of Harry Reid).
Go here to send them funds.
Go here to see Reid's ad we have to rebut.
Go here to see the rebuttal ad we need to air.
Please answer our SOS!
Dick Morris
Monday, June 21, 2010
Democrats Outlaw Free Speech And Guns
Democrats Outlaw Free Speech And Guns
ALERT: Liberals are turning America into a Police State. Their new anti-freedom "Disclose" Act will take away your right to criticize government and order a gag on organizations like CCRKBA. We are in a political war and the Dem's are doing everything they can to sneak this act past the American people and turn our country in a total dictatorship.
Fax Now Tell Congress You Have The Right To Be Heard
Select Here - FAX All Congressmen - Vote No To The Disclose Act!
This act was designed to overturn the recent Supreme Court decision that restored rights to CCRKBA to criticize an elected official during a campaign. The Disclose Act will destroy member driven organizations that have acted in good faith and require them to publicly register members. Now we need to register to voice our opinion? We all know the dangers of being registered-it's one more step towards total gun confiscation.
This week's highly-publicized effort to exempt the National Rifle Association from the effects of the "Disclose Act," H.R. 5175 shows how fundamentally bankrupt the legislation and its underlying philosophy is.
The attempt by Democrats to essentially buy off the NRA with a tailor-made exemption should be proof enough that the entire measure is morally, if not legally, repugnant and should be rejected by Congress. The exemption clause, if it were to be formally adopted as an amendment to the bill, is probably unconstitutional. We think that is reason enough for Congress to stop H.R. 5175 in its tracks.
Fax Now Tell Congress You Have The Right To Be Heard
Select Here - FAX All Congressmen - Vote No To The Disclose Act!
Get Your Sticker - STOP the Disclose Act - Fax Congress and Tell Obama to Keep the "Change"
The proposed exemption would only apply to the NRA, while essentially sacrificing the First Amendment rights of other effective grassroots gun rights organizations due to their smaller membership numbers.
This proposed exemption is unconscionable but it reveals the desperation of its sponsors to pass legislation that would still silence organizations critical of how the Democrat leadership has mismanaged things on Capitol Hill. We are today urging our 650,000 members and supporters to tell their congressional representatives to derail the Disclose Act altogether.
Congressional anti-gunners like nothing better than to drive wedges between effective gun rights organizations and this week's events prove they can still accomplish that. We are astonished that anybody on Capitol Hill would imagine for a heartbeat that they could buy off one gun rights group at the expense of all the others. To think they could actually get away with such smarmy Chicago-style politics suggests that the Democrat leadership in Congress has not only lost its moral compass, they've lost their minds.
While it is disappointing that the NRA might have accepted the exemption it is despicable that the offer was ever made in the first place. If pro-gun Democrats want to shield the NRA from the effects of H.R. 5175, they should simply vote against the entire bill instead of trying to carve out a special exemption. They have insulted and infuriated millions of gun owners who are represented by smaller grassroots organizations, and they need to hear that loud and clear.
Tell Congress to VOTE NO TO The Disclose Act!
Select Here - FAX All Congressmen - Vote No To The Disclose Act!
Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns and free speech away!
CALL PRESIDENT Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all censorship and GUN BANS.
NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away!
For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care.
Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend.
The rights you save may be your own!
Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive.
But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom.
Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.
For more information about CCRKBA go to http://www.ccrkba.org
Thank you. I know I can count on you.
Alan Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
ALERT: Liberals are turning America into a Police State. Their new anti-freedom "Disclose" Act will take away your right to criticize government and order a gag on organizations like CCRKBA. We are in a political war and the Dem's are doing everything they can to sneak this act past the American people and turn our country in a total dictatorship.
Fax Now Tell Congress You Have The Right To Be Heard
Select Here - FAX All Congressmen - Vote No To The Disclose Act!
This act was designed to overturn the recent Supreme Court decision that restored rights to CCRKBA to criticize an elected official during a campaign. The Disclose Act will destroy member driven organizations that have acted in good faith and require them to publicly register members. Now we need to register to voice our opinion? We all know the dangers of being registered-it's one more step towards total gun confiscation.
This week's highly-publicized effort to exempt the National Rifle Association from the effects of the "Disclose Act," H.R. 5175 shows how fundamentally bankrupt the legislation and its underlying philosophy is.
The attempt by Democrats to essentially buy off the NRA with a tailor-made exemption should be proof enough that the entire measure is morally, if not legally, repugnant and should be rejected by Congress. The exemption clause, if it were to be formally adopted as an amendment to the bill, is probably unconstitutional. We think that is reason enough for Congress to stop H.R. 5175 in its tracks.
Fax Now Tell Congress You Have The Right To Be Heard
Select Here - FAX All Congressmen - Vote No To The Disclose Act!
Get Your Sticker - STOP the Disclose Act - Fax Congress and Tell Obama to Keep the "Change"
The proposed exemption would only apply to the NRA, while essentially sacrificing the First Amendment rights of other effective grassroots gun rights organizations due to their smaller membership numbers.
This proposed exemption is unconscionable but it reveals the desperation of its sponsors to pass legislation that would still silence organizations critical of how the Democrat leadership has mismanaged things on Capitol Hill. We are today urging our 650,000 members and supporters to tell their congressional representatives to derail the Disclose Act altogether.
Congressional anti-gunners like nothing better than to drive wedges between effective gun rights organizations and this week's events prove they can still accomplish that. We are astonished that anybody on Capitol Hill would imagine for a heartbeat that they could buy off one gun rights group at the expense of all the others. To think they could actually get away with such smarmy Chicago-style politics suggests that the Democrat leadership in Congress has not only lost its moral compass, they've lost their minds.
While it is disappointing that the NRA might have accepted the exemption it is despicable that the offer was ever made in the first place. If pro-gun Democrats want to shield the NRA from the effects of H.R. 5175, they should simply vote against the entire bill instead of trying to carve out a special exemption. They have insulted and infuriated millions of gun owners who are represented by smaller grassroots organizations, and they need to hear that loud and clear.
Tell Congress to VOTE NO TO The Disclose Act!
Select Here - FAX All Congressmen - Vote No To The Disclose Act!
Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns and free speech away!
CALL PRESIDENT Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all censorship and GUN BANS.
NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away!
For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care.
Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend.
The rights you save may be your own!
Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive.
But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom.
Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.
For more information about CCRKBA go to http://www.ccrkba.org
Thank you. I know I can count on you.
Alan Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: I don't want to punish anybody. But there are an extraordinary number of people whom i want to kill… but it must be evident to all of you… you must all know half a dozen people at least who are of no use in this world… who are more trouble than they are worth.
Hayek couldn't live with himself if he didn't write what he was thinking. He initially wrote the book for the Brits, because he could see who they were in bed with. He could see the road they were traveling down. He had no earthly idea it would take off like it did. And boy, did it take off. After initially not being able to find a publisher, the first printing of 2,000 copies was exhausted instantly, and within six months more than 30,000 books were sold. American publishers were skeptical. They didn't think it'd work. Ironically, they tried to get progressive icon Walter Lippman to do the foreword for the book, noting that it'd sell thousands if he did, maybe 900 if he didn't. Lippman wasn't able to write it.
Column Archive•The Road to Serfdom
•Have Our Leaders Abandoned Common Sense?
•Franklin Practically Defined Americanism
•Why the U.S. Must Stand by Israel
•The Story of Israel
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Video•Watch The One Thing
Show InfoAirs Weekdays at 5 p.m. ET
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•E-mail the show: glennbeck@foxnews.com
The book went through six impressions in the first 16 months, was translated into numerous foreign languages, and circulated both openly in the free world and underground in the emerging iron curtain. It absolutely took off after Reader's Digest published a condensed version of the book in 1945. The Reader's Digest had a circulation at the time of more the 5 million copies, and the little journal was provided to each American serviceman, at home and abroad.
What did people so love about this book? People understood it — Hayek's claims such as: "Man does not and cannot know everything, and when he acts as if he does, disaster follows," make good, common sense. Hayek explained that capitalism is the only system of economics compatible with human dignity, prosperity, and liberty. He demonstrated that planned economies that tried to control the nature of man through administrative rules was impossible, and could only lead to one outcome: Serfdom.
And the message spread like a ripple on a pond. Soon, terms like "collectivism" were erased from political debate, and anyone defending government central planning was discredited.
This book was like a Mike Tyson (in his prime) right hook to socialism in Western Europe and in the United States. But its influence didn't stop there. It has inspired political and economic leaders for decades since — most famously Ronald Reagan. Reagan often praised Hayek when he talked about people waking up to the dangers of big government. That brings us to today.
We were on the right track, but clearly we've fallen off the wagon. A few years ago I started asking, how'd we get here? How did this happen to us? No one had answers. I started reading history, and it didn't take long for me to realize that we'd completely disconnected ourselves from history, making us incredibly vulnerable to repeating the mistakes of the past. And look at what we're doing! We have a government car company, government banks, we're talking about government oil companies, government is hiring all the workers. We are there, gang! And as Hayek so clearly demonstrated, this road only leads to one destination.
I have to admit, the first time I saw this book I made fun of it. I've read the roots of modern liberalism by Woodrow Wilson — that's enough to want to make you hang yourself — I wasn't about to put myself through the "Road to Serfdom." But there's a reason this book was banned in places like Germany and the Soviet Union.
I'm about to talk to someone who lived this. He read this book at the risk of seven years in prison. If you were caught giving this book out you'd get 12 years hard labor — a certain death sentence. Why didn't they want people to read it? They know if the people caught on to what these tyrants were doing, it'd be over.
Now, we're not banning books and dishing out hard labor sentences, but I want to show you something we are doing that to me is pretty shocking. Here's a publisher selling copies of the Constitution. But look at what comes along with it: "This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today...Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."
There's a war for the future of this country. It's being waged right now. The questions of the future can always be answered with the information, glories, and mistakes of the past. Let's give you the other option today — besides capitalism is bad, let's go on to global governance and control through a giant progressive monolith. If you don't learn the things no one is willing to teach today… there will be more than a disclaimer on the Constitution.
Hayek couldn't live with himself if he didn't write what he was thinking. He initially wrote the book for the Brits, because he could see who they were in bed with. He could see the road they were traveling down. He had no earthly idea it would take off like it did. And boy, did it take off. After initially not being able to find a publisher, the first printing of 2,000 copies was exhausted instantly, and within six months more than 30,000 books were sold. American publishers were skeptical. They didn't think it'd work. Ironically, they tried to get progressive icon Walter Lippman to do the foreword for the book, noting that it'd sell thousands if he did, maybe 900 if he didn't. Lippman wasn't able to write it.
Column Archive•The Road to Serfdom
•Have Our Leaders Abandoned Common Sense?
•Franklin Practically Defined Americanism
•Why the U.S. Must Stand by Israel
•The Story of Israel
Full-page The One Thing Archive
Video•Watch The One Thing
Show InfoAirs Weekdays at 5 p.m. ET
•Glenn Beck's bio
•The One Thing archive
•Glenn Beck's interview archive
•E-mail the show: glennbeck@foxnews.com
The book went through six impressions in the first 16 months, was translated into numerous foreign languages, and circulated both openly in the free world and underground in the emerging iron curtain. It absolutely took off after Reader's Digest published a condensed version of the book in 1945. The Reader's Digest had a circulation at the time of more the 5 million copies, and the little journal was provided to each American serviceman, at home and abroad.
What did people so love about this book? People understood it — Hayek's claims such as: "Man does not and cannot know everything, and when he acts as if he does, disaster follows," make good, common sense. Hayek explained that capitalism is the only system of economics compatible with human dignity, prosperity, and liberty. He demonstrated that planned economies that tried to control the nature of man through administrative rules was impossible, and could only lead to one outcome: Serfdom.
And the message spread like a ripple on a pond. Soon, terms like "collectivism" were erased from political debate, and anyone defending government central planning was discredited.
This book was like a Mike Tyson (in his prime) right hook to socialism in Western Europe and in the United States. But its influence didn't stop there. It has inspired political and economic leaders for decades since — most famously Ronald Reagan. Reagan often praised Hayek when he talked about people waking up to the dangers of big government. That brings us to today.
We were on the right track, but clearly we've fallen off the wagon. A few years ago I started asking, how'd we get here? How did this happen to us? No one had answers. I started reading history, and it didn't take long for me to realize that we'd completely disconnected ourselves from history, making us incredibly vulnerable to repeating the mistakes of the past. And look at what we're doing! We have a government car company, government banks, we're talking about government oil companies, government is hiring all the workers. We are there, gang! And as Hayek so clearly demonstrated, this road only leads to one destination.
I have to admit, the first time I saw this book I made fun of it. I've read the roots of modern liberalism by Woodrow Wilson — that's enough to want to make you hang yourself — I wasn't about to put myself through the "Road to Serfdom." But there's a reason this book was banned in places like Germany and the Soviet Union.
I'm about to talk to someone who lived this. He read this book at the risk of seven years in prison. If you were caught giving this book out you'd get 12 years hard labor — a certain death sentence. Why didn't they want people to read it? They know if the people caught on to what these tyrants were doing, it'd be over.
Now, we're not banning books and dishing out hard labor sentences, but I want to show you something we are doing that to me is pretty shocking. Here's a publisher selling copies of the Constitution. But look at what comes along with it: "This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today...Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."
There's a war for the future of this country. It's being waged right now. The questions of the future can always be answered with the information, glories, and mistakes of the past. Let's give you the other option today — besides capitalism is bad, let's go on to global governance and control through a giant progressive monolith. If you don't learn the things no one is willing to teach today… there will be more than a disclaimer on the Constitution.
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